Yes I know my Chicago trip was a few weeks ago but Im writing about it now. Why did it take so long you ask? Well thats a good question, because Im lazy and not a good writer so shut it :p As you know my friend Katy and I took a trip to the windy city, I needed a vacation and its somewhere that I have never been and a mere 6 hour drive. We set off on thursday at about 4 or so. The drive wasn't that bad at all, just a straight shot up 80 or 90...whatever. All the farmland out there was really nice to look at particularly with the sun setting. Majestic comes to mind. Though we would have been there sooner if we didnt have to make 3 stops for biological functions, all within the 1st 2 hours too ;p At some point after dark I think we drove through Mordor, there were flames and smoke and the smell of sulfur all over the place, though I think we were actually in Indiana......sadly. When the Chicago skyline 1st came into view it was freaking sweet. You could make out the Sears tower and all the other famous buildings of Chicago, it was surreal and we were wetting ourselves with excitement. The traffic though was a bit scary, it was a little after 830 in the evening and there was still a very large amount of traffic, flowing quickly down the lanes but intimidating for an unaccustomed Ohio driver none the less. We checked in at about 9, yup thats right 9. If you had been paying attention we left at 4 and should have been there at 10, but ah! wait! Chicago is on central time, even though it took us 6 hours to get there we gained an hour back! WE TIME TRAVELED! So after arriving we unpacked, chilled and called it a night. Tomorrow adventure awaits! end part 1 flip to other side to continue :p