yay my set went up today! it's cute, it;s also like 7 months old, but whatever! i have so many more tattoos than that now! but all the same im glad everyone liked it! thanks for commenting and tagging! it means so much to me! but seriously people keep tagging that i have fake boobs. i wish i could look those people in the eye and say "really?". because i had no idea, seeing as how fake boobs are a new and uncommon invention its important to simply comment "fake tits" so everyone can be made aware of this new phenomenon that is secretly creeping into the tits of models everywhere. its just girls with no tits that are jealous anyways. why am i ranting right now? i dont know? im more made at guys right now than i am at stupid cunts who tag my sets. guys that i date are mean to me! no guy wants to be my boyfriend that i date. its like i go through the "talking" phase and the sex part but then they run away rather than be with me.
pity storiy, eww i should shoot myself right now for being lame. sorry. im more pissed off my care is broken. and im even more pissed that i have a pimple, and im mostly pissed that i want a bacon sheese burger and have no car to get to the drive through. i didnt brush my teeth today, i keep farting and it smells really bad, i hate everyone i know in real life, im really hot in my room, and its my adoption birthday. ha ha and my parents totally celebrate it like its a real birthday. its the day they officially adopted me. it makes me feel like a retard but secretly special. and you can talk shit about bulimics all you want but we get to taste our food twice and stay skinnier than you. (please recognize sarcasism i know its hard for some people) okay what? this blog has like 6 different subjects. bye

I have been sending copies of my new CD to people online and making scrambled eggs, toast and coffee for dinner. And I've missed you too.
You probably scare the shit out of most guys... find a good Canadian man... we aren't scared of strong hot women