I have succumbed to the madness. This constant state of boredom has lead me to insanity.
Well, not literally...but you get the point.

I have decided to join the circus, and just do acid until the day I die...or reach Wonderland, whichever comes first.
Ok...well, I don't really want to join the circus. But, I do want to try acid
Oh yes!
So, life at my mom's is pretty boring, and life with Callum isn't that exciting either. There's really just nothing to do. I know we could just drink and fuck all the time...but that too, gets boring. I bore easily.
I folded or hung every piece of clothing I own today, and listened to Taylor Swift. I can't help it, I'm so in love with her...music! Ya...her music

He's such a big cat. Honestly, he has a tiny head, Huge body, huge eyes! But, he's really such a cute cat!(:
OH! Yummm! I just found fudge!
so good!(:
Ok, Lady, I love you, Buh-byee!

Well, not literally...but you get the point.

I have decided to join the circus, and just do acid until the day I die...or reach Wonderland, whichever comes first.
Ok...well, I don't really want to join the circus. But, I do want to try acid

So, life at my mom's is pretty boring, and life with Callum isn't that exciting either. There's really just nothing to do. I know we could just drink and fuck all the time...but that too, gets boring. I bore easily.
I folded or hung every piece of clothing I own today, and listened to Taylor Swift. I can't help it, I'm so in love with her...music! Ya...her music


He's such a big cat. Honestly, he has a tiny head, Huge body, huge eyes! But, he's really such a cute cat!(:
OH! Yummm! I just found fudge!
so good!(:
Ok, Lady, I love you, Buh-byee!

I was never terribly impressed with acid. There are things I liked a lot more.