Today, today, what a glorious day...?
Well, it's not. It's snowing, but not nice, fluffy, makes everything beautifully covered in white snow. It's the wet, not-enough-snow-to-cover-an-ant-hole, kind of snow. hohumm. chicken bum.
Well, lovies, I'll tell you all about how things are going for me, and just like a bad first date I won't ask you how you are or what's new with you, but I will expect you to find me utterly attractive and amusing, and put out.
Let's all hop into my little time machine and go back about 4 days to Wednesday. *time travel*
Here, take some of this. It'll help with the nausea. Time travel is a little harder for some than it is for others.
Oh look! Here we are at Seducts. Oh, and look! There's our buddy Paul! woohoo! This should be a fun night. It's got ass, baby! I see a few of the strippers we like, and there's our favorite shooter girl. God damn, one of these nights one of these girls are comin' home with me.
Well, as you can see, I end up drinking a little more than I needed to. But, hey!?! Who says no to free drinks and shots?! huh? Oh, you do. Well, you suck then.
I met this lovely little lady, mostly because she was sitting in my prefered area. It's alright we like her.
Alright, looks like it's time for Got Ass. Yep, I entered and got my new little lady friend to enter too. She won, by the way. Cutest little bum ever. I was impressed.
Called the boyfriend and had him come. He didn't seem to be having too bad of a time. We went to another bar after Seducts, and then went home where I spent a whole lot of time sitting on the bathroom floor with my face in the toilet.
I think he stills love me, so it's okay.
Thursday, I spent all day sleeping, so let's just get back into the time machine and go right to Friday. Oh? You're hungry? Ok, we'll grab some lunch but then it's straight on to Friday!!!!
Friday! Friday, I'm in love! Dance with me? No? Okay.
Friday, by the looks of it was another slow day. The boy eventually went to work so I went shopping! Hells ya, did I ever! Ok, I was being sarcastic. I tried so very hard to find something nice to wear, but nothing was all that great. But now that I'm seeing that outfit for a second time, I wish I had gotten it. Damn, I look fine in that! Fuck, I wonder if it'll still be there next week. After my boring and uneventful time at the mall, I returned to the boy's hosue and spent some time with his younger brother. Who is my all means, a total doll. Such a sweet, and fun loving boy. He's 18..or 19. I think he's turning 19 shortly, and such an awesome guy. Oh, the boys home! Guess we're going out to a bar.
Argh, I almost forgot what a creeper that old senile biker was. I do look nice, but still....what a creeper.
Sex, followed by sleeping.
Sorry you had to watch that. Oh? You didn't mind. Ya, I didn't really think you would. It was pretty hot, wasn't it? Thank you. I like the way I look in that nightie too
Saturday thew boy went to work early, so I slept in and it felt fucking fantastic!
OHOH! Zombie Strippers!! That was the best fucking part of yesterday! Zombie Strippers are fucking sweet! Made me wonder if guys would really pay that much for weird strippers. I'm seriously considering being a stripper and just putting on some odd shows. Just, see how it goes.
Oh my, here we are at the bar where the boy, and many others were playing. Hmm, probably should of eaten something before attempting those ruum and cokes. Oh well. Yep. Now you're observing me standing all alone, drinking, feeling awkward. I do look nice though, don't I? haha
Well, this night is pretty boring. Drank. Talked to people. Felt awkward. Spent a little time with the boy. Kissed. Drank. Thank God, we get to leave now! Fuck it was cold that night!
Alright, now you're just watching us lay in bed and be kind of lame. I do positively adore him though!
And ten this morning we were waken up by his bestfriend to crashed in his basement (we had no idea) with some girl. Not the brightest girl I might add, but she seems okay. I'm sure she's nice, and puts out. And that's all that matters, right? haha, god i can be a bitch.
Well, that's the end of that journey. Pretty fucking boring, hey?
Oh ya, that'll be $120, by the way. Keeping a time machine powered isn't cheap you know.
Well, it's not. It's snowing, but not nice, fluffy, makes everything beautifully covered in white snow. It's the wet, not-enough-snow-to-cover-an-ant-hole, kind of snow. hohumm. chicken bum.
Well, lovies, I'll tell you all about how things are going for me, and just like a bad first date I won't ask you how you are or what's new with you, but I will expect you to find me utterly attractive and amusing, and put out.
Let's all hop into my little time machine and go back about 4 days to Wednesday. *time travel*
Here, take some of this. It'll help with the nausea. Time travel is a little harder for some than it is for others.
Oh look! Here we are at Seducts. Oh, and look! There's our buddy Paul! woohoo! This should be a fun night. It's got ass, baby! I see a few of the strippers we like, and there's our favorite shooter girl. God damn, one of these nights one of these girls are comin' home with me.
Well, as you can see, I end up drinking a little more than I needed to. But, hey!?! Who says no to free drinks and shots?! huh? Oh, you do. Well, you suck then.
I met this lovely little lady, mostly because she was sitting in my prefered area. It's alright we like her.
Alright, looks like it's time for Got Ass. Yep, I entered and got my new little lady friend to enter too. She won, by the way. Cutest little bum ever. I was impressed.
Called the boyfriend and had him come. He didn't seem to be having too bad of a time. We went to another bar after Seducts, and then went home where I spent a whole lot of time sitting on the bathroom floor with my face in the toilet.
I think he stills love me, so it's okay.
Thursday, I spent all day sleeping, so let's just get back into the time machine and go right to Friday. Oh? You're hungry? Ok, we'll grab some lunch but then it's straight on to Friday!!!!
Friday! Friday, I'm in love! Dance with me? No? Okay.
Friday, by the looks of it was another slow day. The boy eventually went to work so I went shopping! Hells ya, did I ever! Ok, I was being sarcastic. I tried so very hard to find something nice to wear, but nothing was all that great. But now that I'm seeing that outfit for a second time, I wish I had gotten it. Damn, I look fine in that! Fuck, I wonder if it'll still be there next week. After my boring and uneventful time at the mall, I returned to the boy's hosue and spent some time with his younger brother. Who is my all means, a total doll. Such a sweet, and fun loving boy. He's 18..or 19. I think he's turning 19 shortly, and such an awesome guy. Oh, the boys home! Guess we're going out to a bar.
Argh, I almost forgot what a creeper that old senile biker was. I do look nice, but still....what a creeper.
Sex, followed by sleeping.
Sorry you had to watch that. Oh? You didn't mind. Ya, I didn't really think you would. It was pretty hot, wasn't it? Thank you. I like the way I look in that nightie too

Saturday thew boy went to work early, so I slept in and it felt fucking fantastic!
OHOH! Zombie Strippers!! That was the best fucking part of yesterday! Zombie Strippers are fucking sweet! Made me wonder if guys would really pay that much for weird strippers. I'm seriously considering being a stripper and just putting on some odd shows. Just, see how it goes.
Oh my, here we are at the bar where the boy, and many others were playing. Hmm, probably should of eaten something before attempting those ruum and cokes. Oh well. Yep. Now you're observing me standing all alone, drinking, feeling awkward. I do look nice though, don't I? haha
Well, this night is pretty boring. Drank. Talked to people. Felt awkward. Spent a little time with the boy. Kissed. Drank. Thank God, we get to leave now! Fuck it was cold that night!
Alright, now you're just watching us lay in bed and be kind of lame. I do positively adore him though!
And ten this morning we were waken up by his bestfriend to crashed in his basement (we had no idea) with some girl. Not the brightest girl I might add, but she seems okay. I'm sure she's nice, and puts out. And that's all that matters, right? haha, god i can be a bitch.
Well, that's the end of that journey. Pretty fucking boring, hey?
Oh ya, that'll be $120, by the way. Keeping a time machine powered isn't cheap you know.

It made me feel a lot better as well, so I thought that I'd throw it up on the journal for others to get something out of it. Glad you did
Thanks for the love on the MR sets!