Bolt action hearts and jack boots
Backdoor musing #4
As for the degenerate artists, I forbid them to force their so-called experiences upon the public. If they do see fields blue, they are deranged, and should go to an asylum. If the only pretend to see them blue, they are criminals, and should go to prison. I will purge the nation of them.
~Adolf Hitler
I have been spending quite a great deal of time at my backdoor reflecting on everything that has led me to this point in my life. I have given a great deal of thought to art and artists in the world. So many of us seem to suffer horribly from inflictions of the mind and are seriously close to the peril of insanity.
After all, even Disney knew that it was A Small World After All, the thin lines that separate the sane from the insane has degenerated to a slightly opaque hue of blur. Hitler, himself an artist, early in his life, grew a profound hatred for what he deemed were people of
privilege sucking away the life morrow of his country and people. It is
here, that I find the most telling and interesting aspect of this blurry line we are planted within the post modern world. I have seen this mans art; everyone agrees he was a mediocre talent at best, akin to a greeting card artist, or state fair portrait sketcher. However, he chose to strike out into the world under the guise and cloak of beauty. He had made a conscious decision at one point to be driven into the streets starving for his art, this universal ideal of living and breathing canvas on which to firmly plant the internal into the external world for whatever ulterior motives might lurk and need to be purged.
So how was it that we arrive to quote above? It seems to me that he was someone who had an innate desire to control every possible circumstance that he could. It would stand to reason that he also felt incredibly inferior to people who had true talent and genius and thus did everything in his power to exterminate them so that he might look like the ultimate guru, sage, father and master. I bring all of
this up, because I cant help but stand at my backdoor and ponder a certain person whom I feel has exercised his mad Hitler artists cum dictator on two very special people. All the traits are quite parallel, they would have to be. Hitler did not rise to power because Germany was full of idiots. He rose to power because he could effectively convince people of many things through his charm and power of persuasion. Every artist seems to have this gift, a
certain sway to the eye which captures people and forces them to become
addicted slaves to this supposed higher intellectual life. These Dictator types thrive on ego stroking, and certain sense of master to all would be friends. They also are quite good at sticking things into flesh boxes (much like a serial killer) dehumanizing those around them so that they might stick cruel little words down peoples throats to further show how superior they are.
Of course, that is what us urban post modern intellectuals do. Maybe not to the extreme examples mentioned above but; none the less, there is a keen and sharp sense of an us or them attitude that permeates the artist world. We like to distance ourselves from the so called un-informed taking a smug satisfaction (and ultimate suffering) from being apart from 90% of the world.
We saw ourselves as the perfectors of a desperate system of integral
pessimism which sharpened till it became a razor, enabling us to slice
through all the varieties of hypocrisy. We were bored, rather definitively, by the chattering teeth and running noses of what passed itself off as the intelligentsia: lies and more lies, and another variety of lies. We preferred the truth of laughter, tidal wave of vengeance. Authenticity was the first and foremost of our demands. Those who failed to meet scarcely received a second glance, unless we chose to spit in their face ~F. Rosemont, Surrealist Subversions
It is much like Columbine, in the sense that you have these sensitive
creatures able to look beyond the rippling surface of reality into the deep and ancient things that interweave our human sense of dynamic and beauty only to be shit upon by the smug contingent of outward beauty types. Hence rendering these creatures helpless to either create art or extreme death in order to make some sense of the world around them. I think I will have to pursue this connection further over more reflection but I certainly have plenty of connections to make within the realm of thisand I will pursue it more in the next few days.
For Courtney & Videssa I hope that this dialogue we have opened will be in itself a living canvas of true art and symmetry in our livesI am not sure whether we might conclude that those of us viewing the fields of blue deserve liberty or deathbut at the very least I hope we can make sense of all that has happened before this.
Backdoor musing #4
As for the degenerate artists, I forbid them to force their so-called experiences upon the public. If they do see fields blue, they are deranged, and should go to an asylum. If the only pretend to see them blue, they are criminals, and should go to prison. I will purge the nation of them.
~Adolf Hitler
I have been spending quite a great deal of time at my backdoor reflecting on everything that has led me to this point in my life. I have given a great deal of thought to art and artists in the world. So many of us seem to suffer horribly from inflictions of the mind and are seriously close to the peril of insanity.
After all, even Disney knew that it was A Small World After All, the thin lines that separate the sane from the insane has degenerated to a slightly opaque hue of blur. Hitler, himself an artist, early in his life, grew a profound hatred for what he deemed were people of
privilege sucking away the life morrow of his country and people. It is
here, that I find the most telling and interesting aspect of this blurry line we are planted within the post modern world. I have seen this mans art; everyone agrees he was a mediocre talent at best, akin to a greeting card artist, or state fair portrait sketcher. However, he chose to strike out into the world under the guise and cloak of beauty. He had made a conscious decision at one point to be driven into the streets starving for his art, this universal ideal of living and breathing canvas on which to firmly plant the internal into the external world for whatever ulterior motives might lurk and need to be purged.
So how was it that we arrive to quote above? It seems to me that he was someone who had an innate desire to control every possible circumstance that he could. It would stand to reason that he also felt incredibly inferior to people who had true talent and genius and thus did everything in his power to exterminate them so that he might look like the ultimate guru, sage, father and master. I bring all of
this up, because I cant help but stand at my backdoor and ponder a certain person whom I feel has exercised his mad Hitler artists cum dictator on two very special people. All the traits are quite parallel, they would have to be. Hitler did not rise to power because Germany was full of idiots. He rose to power because he could effectively convince people of many things through his charm and power of persuasion. Every artist seems to have this gift, a
certain sway to the eye which captures people and forces them to become
addicted slaves to this supposed higher intellectual life. These Dictator types thrive on ego stroking, and certain sense of master to all would be friends. They also are quite good at sticking things into flesh boxes (much like a serial killer) dehumanizing those around them so that they might stick cruel little words down peoples throats to further show how superior they are.
Of course, that is what us urban post modern intellectuals do. Maybe not to the extreme examples mentioned above but; none the less, there is a keen and sharp sense of an us or them attitude that permeates the artist world. We like to distance ourselves from the so called un-informed taking a smug satisfaction (and ultimate suffering) from being apart from 90% of the world.
We saw ourselves as the perfectors of a desperate system of integral
pessimism which sharpened till it became a razor, enabling us to slice
through all the varieties of hypocrisy. We were bored, rather definitively, by the chattering teeth and running noses of what passed itself off as the intelligentsia: lies and more lies, and another variety of lies. We preferred the truth of laughter, tidal wave of vengeance. Authenticity was the first and foremost of our demands. Those who failed to meet scarcely received a second glance, unless we chose to spit in their face ~F. Rosemont, Surrealist Subversions
It is much like Columbine, in the sense that you have these sensitive
creatures able to look beyond the rippling surface of reality into the deep and ancient things that interweave our human sense of dynamic and beauty only to be shit upon by the smug contingent of outward beauty types. Hence rendering these creatures helpless to either create art or extreme death in order to make some sense of the world around them. I think I will have to pursue this connection further over more reflection but I certainly have plenty of connections to make within the realm of thisand I will pursue it more in the next few days.
For Courtney & Videssa I hope that this dialogue we have opened will be in itself a living canvas of true art and symmetry in our livesI am not sure whether we might conclude that those of us viewing the fields of blue deserve liberty or deathbut at the very least I hope we can make sense of all that has happened before this.
Seems to me that people most responded to 1) the idea of order, being saved from post-WWI poverty, 2) nationalism (god, do people respond to that nowadays! And I mean everywhere), 3) war (people generally seem to like war, or want it- they say they don't, but 95% of what they do and say seems to counter this claim), 4) maybe to some extent revenge, on France, Russia, England... I'd have to do some social studies on 1920s-30s Germany to make that fourth point for sure, but the others seem pretty upfront with the way things played out in the '30s-'40s.