Our most successful collaboration was a light-borne communication device. The heart of the thing was a mouthpiece made out of the lid of a shoe polish can, with the flat section of a balloon stretched tightly across it. Onto this rubber membrane we attached a tiny piece of silvered glass, which acted as a mirror. A light beam was focused onto the tiny mirror and reflected from it. When a person talked into the mouthpiece, the rubber vibrated. In turn, the tiny mirror quivered, and those quiverings produced a shimmering in the reflected beam, like the shimmering of sunlight reflected from a trembling sea. Thus, the information in the speakers voice was precisely encoded onto light, each rise and dip of uttered sound translating itself into a brightening or dimming of light. Lightman
I wonder if seeing and hearing my voice in lightwaves would make any diffrence at all....

I wonder if seeing and hearing my voice in lightwaves would make any diffrence at all....

Well, the status of the situation is that I left him at the pound, and that's all I know..
er, umm, ahhhhhh, orf snort.