Bout time for an update-my mother just left from her every few month visit the grandkids and bug the adults needless to say the intra-porn updates were just not going to happen. It has been a life changing sorta month for me, but I have finaly nailed down the treatment for my health problem, mended some fences with my sister and overall had a decent trip with my mom. It is hard when she comes because she stays with us which can be a bit of a tense situation. Overall-she spends crap loads of attention and money on the grandkids and seems to pinpoint what me and the bella need most at the given time. This trip, we were much more prone to blowoff any signs of stress and nudge her in some new directions in life. The only real point of soreness for the trip was a simply unacceptable refrence to fistacuffs in hockey being compared to wrestling...( Oh mother, how could you
) We spent the evening watching:
A truly brilliant movie, very much ahead of its time in term of voice over, camera shots, etc... but also a movie in which 5 generations of family watched and could enjoy diffrent facets of the film--that rarely happens anymore...I love my life, and my family and will do what ever I can to uphold the lifestyles of the swank....I bid you all peace and a fond tip of the cap...

A truly brilliant movie, very much ahead of its time in term of voice over, camera shots, etc... but also a movie in which 5 generations of family watched and could enjoy diffrent facets of the film--that rarely happens anymore...I love my life, and my family and will do what ever I can to uphold the lifestyles of the swank....I bid you all peace and a fond tip of the cap...
Sounds like a plan.

That's what the grandparents are for, no? If they don't spoil your kids, who will? Works for me.