This past Friday started much like any other day, but ended in a trip to the emergency room; filled with tension (both metaphorical and very real tension) awash in a manufactured sea of neon lights two roads of my life converged and exploded through one another. My lovely wife gave birth to our son 8 months ago, because of that event the hours seemed filled with a slow motion roll call of everything I have done to this point. As I lay on the thin bed, head swirling in pain, awaiting my fate; I recalled how everything in my life prior to my family meant fuck all. I would not have even sought treatment back in those lonely days of solitude. I would have rode through the pain (that is what they taught us old school types when confronted with pain) There was a very low point during this time, when confronted with a near dance with death; I would have opted for death-wishing to just be done with the whole messy affair. How things change given the circumstance and opportunity to peer through the other side of the veil. I spent the year my wife was pregnant through today collecting all the music I love and depositing mp3 mixes into cans to save for the boy. I had intended to choose roughly 200 hundred or so of those and share them in mixes with family, friends et al. I have decided to share those here as wellwelcome to part one, which will start at what could have been the very end, but the fates have smiled and we live anon.
I have a lot more to write about on this subject-but felt I should update a bit of it now...if you want the music that goes with this....visit my audio blog:
That baby of yours is getting bigger and more beautiful every day.
Oh, and I think this journal entry is my favorite of any I've ever read on the site.
[Edited on Jan 26, 2006 11:57AM]
take care of yrself, dude. i like your thoughts on your experience, and i like the look of the mix... i've been putting the finishing touches on a mix myself for an SGChicago CD exchange this weekend... email me yr address, i'll send you a copy.
and then (finally) i'll get on writing something for the site.