Well, what to say-man this time of year is full of stress...shopping for the kids, cleaning the house, keeping sane and watching hockey take a lot out of a man....I also have been hard at work tweeking my audioblog DichotomyofEpiphany which was just listed on the hype machine....fuck yeah buddy....I wish I had more intrest here at SG-sadly I do not...I have not even looked at a set here fully in over two years and many of my pals seem to be gone or not interested as well....life is a cycle...I am sure something will spark my love affair here again....its just that time of year I suppose...
love and bruises all...come visit my audioblog and enjoy the mp3's....
love and bruises all...come visit my audioblog and enjoy the mp3's....

I'm trying to just... uhh click on it. Looks like a 90 minute download. So maybe it'll work?
I'm not sure what to say about SG. I find it still necessary to be on. Some folks I know, they left purposefully, or by default, or deliberately got kicked off... I can't say they're "wrong." I would imagine I'd leave at some point, if only due to free blogging available elsewhere and I, too, don't look at many sets... I would say (and I hope I'm not being too common) that you have a girlfriend-bordering-on-wife and you don't need much porn, probably, and besides that you all have a family now, and I imagine that is your focus now. This is a place of your friends, I guess (it is for many of us), and when it seems to be no longer you'll leave... same here. I'm still meeting folks, though.
I hope that makes sense. I'm actually a lil drunk right now. yes, it's 3:45 in the afternoon. I took some cough medicine and figured I'd go all the way. Ya know...
Uh, as of now, my download is 14% on the cello. We'll see.
Hey, you didn't tell me the best Italo Calvino novel... and when is NoControl gonna tell me about Italy??