And he gave it for his opinion that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together. Jonathan Swift
I have had plenty of things orbiting my head in halo like sequences over the past few mornings; seemingly, I am in a franticly wild paced head space surging into a million small drops of information, creating, in my world a rainstorm of invisible technology falling onto the umbrella of my flesh box world. Listening to the exit poll comments yesterday for the, New Jersey race reminds me of everything I detest about the current world of humanity. The Jersey race was one of two landmark highs: something like 22 million dollars amassed between the two, along with the most vicious and poo flinging commercials I have ever witnessed as an adult. Who here among us everyday digital citizenry would not have wanted to see 22 million dollars go to victims of the hurricanes, among thousands of other causes more worthy then these two vile bastards.
I have had plenty of things orbiting my head in halo like sequences over the past few mornings; seemingly, I am in a franticly wild paced head space surging into a million small drops of information, creating, in my world a rainstorm of invisible technology falling onto the umbrella of my flesh box world. Listening to the exit poll comments yesterday for the, New Jersey race reminds me of everything I detest about the current world of humanity. The Jersey race was one of two landmark highs: something like 22 million dollars amassed between the two, along with the most vicious and poo flinging commercials I have ever witnessed as an adult. Who here among us everyday digital citizenry would not have wanted to see 22 million dollars go to victims of the hurricanes, among thousands of other causes more worthy then these two vile bastards.
[Edited on Nov 10, 2005 10:08PM]