Today's journal entry is brought to you by and the letter H (as in hung over). Scroll to the bottom of this entry to an accurate description of how my brain feels right now.
Last night was pretty good... I have recently foresaken my school work in the name of drinking and chasing skirts. We'll see how many of the phone numbers I got turn out to be wrong. :p
I bought the new coldplay album and it is really mellow. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this is pretty good music.
Last night the driver of the car we were riding in lost control and jumped the curb doing like 35-40 mph. No one was hurt (it was like 2:00 AM) but the wheel that impacted the curb was damaged, and the front end is probably out of alignment.
If that didn't sober the two passengers (myself included) up, the county Sherrifs that pulled us over shortly afterwards to see what was up certainly did.
One of the two officers drove back to the scene and picked up an obliterated rim that popped off the wheel upon impact. When he handed it back to the driver he said "here, you dropped this," so we all had a good laugh.
The driver passed his sobriety test with flying colors, and thankfully no one had any warrants, so the evening ended happily with every one getting home safe. The lead officer in the stop (there were two) was pretty cool and was bullshitting with the driver about women and such before letting us go.
Thumbs up to those boys for not being dicks or issuing any wreckless endangerment tickets.
In clsoing, my brain feels like this:

Last night was pretty good... I have recently foresaken my school work in the name of drinking and chasing skirts. We'll see how many of the phone numbers I got turn out to be wrong. :p
I bought the new coldplay album and it is really mellow. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this is pretty good music.
Last night the driver of the car we were riding in lost control and jumped the curb doing like 35-40 mph. No one was hurt (it was like 2:00 AM) but the wheel that impacted the curb was damaged, and the front end is probably out of alignment.
If that didn't sober the two passengers (myself included) up, the county Sherrifs that pulled us over shortly afterwards to see what was up certainly did.

One of the two officers drove back to the scene and picked up an obliterated rim that popped off the wheel upon impact. When he handed it back to the driver he said "here, you dropped this," so we all had a good laugh.
The driver passed his sobriety test with flying colors, and thankfully no one had any warrants, so the evening ended happily with every one getting home safe. The lead officer in the stop (there were two) was pretty cool and was bullshitting with the driver about women and such before letting us go.
Thumbs up to those boys for not being dicks or issuing any wreckless endangerment tickets.

In clsoing, my brain feels like this:

you can have the '(go back to canada)' pic, I just deleted it from my pics anyway

that's a nice story. but so unlikely