abbiehoffmann : I agree!!!
Inez: I got you e-mail!!! Nice Real Nice!!
I will mail you after I wake up. I still havent gotten to bed since work..
mechanic : I already tried that. Didnt work. I still have hope though..hehe
indiestargirl : Why thank you?
alexys Dont we all?
xdaniellex I am glad my art gets some good response around here. Most people just say,what is it?. Im like,what do you want it to beLOL
Sooooo lets see. So much has happened.
- Lets start with some great news. I might have my very first one man show. It is at a hip little restaurant called The Mission in La Jolla. I am excited because this place draws a really cool crowd. I am thinking that they may be very receptive to my art. I am not expecting to sell my art. I am just trying to get more exposure and hits on The show would have one opening night and then the art would show for a month after. I think I will probably put up a section for the online gallery that is based on the real show...hmmm Gotta think about that one. It's pretty standard stuff. Anyhow I am still waiting to see if this is even going to happen.
- I have been very busy with and my art in general. I am going to try to keep this pace and have new art on the site on a consistent basis.
- I just started my new schedule at work and I think it might allow for me to be more productive and have more time to work on my art and sites. I am working two third shift night and 2 first shift nights a week. That way I have three days off every week. I work less hours and get paid about the same. I have a better schedule so that school will be a easier to fit into my life. I was a little worried about it at first because everyone was telling me that I was going to hate it. But I am here now and I am thinking it is going to be a perfect fit.
- I spoke to Kristin this weekend. She called me and asked if I was mad at her. I wasn't but I still was a little hurt. I told her that and she understood so we once again (for like the third time) decided to be friends. I told her that being my friend meant that she would be treated as a friend and nothing else. I have been in this situation before where the girl says she just wants to be friends but she actually just wants to have her cake and eat it too. They want friend status but they also want special attention. I don't think this is the case with Kristin. Anyhow she and I are just friends and I like it better that way. It seems very clear to me now that she and I just wouldn't have worked. The situation is just way too much like some of my past experiences. I don't want to go back. Period. So I saw Kristin at my friend Archie's house when I went over to see "Amelie". It was a very clinical visit. We spoke a bit and mainly just sat there quietly. Blah. Amelie was great. I couldn't help thinking as I watched the movie,"Geez why can't I meet an interesting, quirky girl like this?" I needs me a nice lil' nerd girl. My friend Sonya said she would hook me up with one of her programmer friends...haha I think I would very much like that. Nah, I am not really sweating any girl or even the idea of being with a girl very much because to be quite honest I still LOVE April. Yeah I know she has a boyfriend. Yeah I know it wouldnt work. Yeah I know I would be miserable but if you knew April you would understand. Dont worry there is no way I am going back to that. I just cant help but think about her though. What is it they say April Showers brings? Sides all that, I am happy being a selfish boy right now. I do what I want when I want to and its real nice. I have all the time in the world to work on art and to listen to music, etc, etc It is very refreshing after spending so much of your life going from one relationship to another. I have always relied on women to much for happiness and for once I am happy being alone. And I love that. I think things are looking up lately..
and I leave you with this. It is an basically just coloring but I like how it turned out. I just scanned in a black and white image and practiced coloring it in.
Inez: I got you e-mail!!! Nice Real Nice!!

mechanic : I already tried that. Didnt work. I still have hope though..hehe
indiestargirl : Why thank you?

alexys Dont we all?
xdaniellex I am glad my art gets some good response around here. Most people just say,what is it?. Im like,what do you want it to beLOL
Sooooo lets see. So much has happened.
- Lets start with some great news. I might have my very first one man show. It is at a hip little restaurant called The Mission in La Jolla. I am excited because this place draws a really cool crowd. I am thinking that they may be very receptive to my art. I am not expecting to sell my art. I am just trying to get more exposure and hits on The show would have one opening night and then the art would show for a month after. I think I will probably put up a section for the online gallery that is based on the real show...hmmm Gotta think about that one. It's pretty standard stuff. Anyhow I am still waiting to see if this is even going to happen.
- I have been very busy with and my art in general. I am going to try to keep this pace and have new art on the site on a consistent basis.
- I just started my new schedule at work and I think it might allow for me to be more productive and have more time to work on my art and sites. I am working two third shift night and 2 first shift nights a week. That way I have three days off every week. I work less hours and get paid about the same. I have a better schedule so that school will be a easier to fit into my life. I was a little worried about it at first because everyone was telling me that I was going to hate it. But I am here now and I am thinking it is going to be a perfect fit.
- I spoke to Kristin this weekend. She called me and asked if I was mad at her. I wasn't but I still was a little hurt. I told her that and she understood so we once again (for like the third time) decided to be friends. I told her that being my friend meant that she would be treated as a friend and nothing else. I have been in this situation before where the girl says she just wants to be friends but she actually just wants to have her cake and eat it too. They want friend status but they also want special attention. I don't think this is the case with Kristin. Anyhow she and I are just friends and I like it better that way. It seems very clear to me now that she and I just wouldn't have worked. The situation is just way too much like some of my past experiences. I don't want to go back. Period. So I saw Kristin at my friend Archie's house when I went over to see "Amelie". It was a very clinical visit. We spoke a bit and mainly just sat there quietly. Blah. Amelie was great. I couldn't help thinking as I watched the movie,"Geez why can't I meet an interesting, quirky girl like this?" I needs me a nice lil' nerd girl. My friend Sonya said she would hook me up with one of her programmer friends...haha I think I would very much like that. Nah, I am not really sweating any girl or even the idea of being with a girl very much because to be quite honest I still LOVE April. Yeah I know she has a boyfriend. Yeah I know it wouldnt work. Yeah I know I would be miserable but if you knew April you would understand. Dont worry there is no way I am going back to that. I just cant help but think about her though. What is it they say April Showers brings? Sides all that, I am happy being a selfish boy right now. I do what I want when I want to and its real nice. I have all the time in the world to work on art and to listen to music, etc, etc It is very refreshing after spending so much of your life going from one relationship to another. I have always relied on women to much for happiness and for once I am happy being alone. And I love that. I think things are looking up lately..
and I leave you with this. It is an basically just coloring but I like how it turned out. I just scanned in a black and white image and practiced coloring it in.
I have relied on relationships too much...and I think that, that is one of my biggest problems!
it's nice to know that someone knows how i feel...
you are lovely as always!