This is a poem I wrote while thinking about Kristin, the girl I have a crush on. She is really dope but I dont want to get too excited about her cause quite frankly I dont want to fall so far if things dont go right. Realistically, I cant help what my head leeks out onto paper or computer for that matter. When I write I write and this is how I feel after a night of sleeping next to her.
Charting Constellations
The gentle sky swayed
The breeze kissed my cheek and yet
I didnt know what comfort was
I had forgotten.
But she held me tight
That night...
She never turned away
Her body
Upon it I stargazed
Charting constellations
With my slow moving fingers
Her face
A galaxy all of its own
2 suns gravitated me nearer to her lips
She smiled
An Eclipse
My hand on her hip
Her hand in mine
A touch divine brushed my neck
Sent me traveling through time
Folding space
Bending straight lines
Light shines
From planets born
Old worlds torn apart
Life returns
And I cant help but chart the skies with her eyes
The dark corona of her lashes
Inspire awe
No air in space and thats how she leaves me
Awaiting the next
Time I will see her
My heart in hyperspace
Wanting to explore her universe
Now you can see why I was trying not to think......this is what happens...
Charting Constellations
The gentle sky swayed
The breeze kissed my cheek and yet
I didnt know what comfort was
I had forgotten.
But she held me tight
That night...
She never turned away
Her body
Upon it I stargazed
Charting constellations
With my slow moving fingers
Her face
A galaxy all of its own
2 suns gravitated me nearer to her lips
She smiled
An Eclipse
My hand on her hip
Her hand in mine
A touch divine brushed my neck
Sent me traveling through time
Folding space
Bending straight lines
Light shines
From planets born
Old worlds torn apart
Life returns
And I cant help but chart the skies with her eyes
The dark corona of her lashes
Inspire awe
No air in space and thats how she leaves me
Awaiting the next
Time I will see her
My heart in hyperspace
Wanting to explore her universe
Now you can see why I was trying not to think......this is what happens...
i want the old one back. this one cant touch that one yo.
oh shit i'm so delirious i didn't even notice it was new..very nice but still not the best