Ok so I am in the process of getting my old name binaryfiend back again. It just seems silly to take on a new name when everybody knows me as something else.
I also just wanted to reiterate that YES I really did miss you guys. In fact I turned into a hermit for a while there but I know had I been on here I wouldnt have been thata badhmmm Anyhow, I am here now and I am quite happy to be a member again.
So tonight I am going to TNT which is an art event put on every Thursday by the MOCA. I am pretty excited because as I said I have been pretty anti-social and the girls that go are soo cute. I crave social interaction. Especially with cute/smart/artist girls. I also know most of the people that work at the museum so it wont just be a snob fest. It will be more like a friends party with arthehe
I also just wanted to reiterate that YES I really did miss you guys. In fact I turned into a hermit for a while there but I know had I been on here I wouldnt have been thata badhmmm Anyhow, I am here now and I am quite happy to be a member again.
So tonight I am going to TNT which is an art event put on every Thursday by the MOCA. I am pretty excited because as I said I have been pretty anti-social and the girls that go are soo cute. I crave social interaction. Especially with cute/smart/artist girls. I also know most of the people that work at the museum so it wont just be a snob fest. It will be more like a friends party with arthehe

the other aquarian dragon here, i didn't know there was a meeting. yes, for me it's been 70/30 (70 social) lately. inez i'm gonna be in a2 tomorrow.

1 minute instant poetry is what life is all about...hehheheh