Okay it's late and I'm listening to the Time Lords,,, and I can't believe the amount of snow that's fallen in the last 24 hours. It is supposed to be almost spring.. We have had here by all accounts a very mild winter but damn now we get a big time dump.. sheesh.. it took me an hour to drive to work today when it only takes me a half an hour... Oh well I guess that's the wacky global warming deal.. I'm supposed to be in LA this weekend, sigh.. such is my life...
More Blogs
Tuesday May 22, 2007
The sun is out today and I think it's time to sit on the deck.. read … -
Friday May 18, 2007
It's the weekend and it's raining but I'm going to have fun anyway! H… -
Wednesday May 02, 2007
I've got a really bad head cold. The dripping and the sneezing... I a… -
Saturday Apr 28, 2007
Ugghhh.. They changed SG again... Who likes it? -
Saturday Apr 14, 2007
I never really wanted to be in a band.. but if I could have one wish.… -
Wednesday Apr 11, 2007
Anyone like the new layout? -
Sunday Apr 08, 2007
To all those who celebrate.. Happy Easter! -
Tuesday Apr 03, 2007
I love this video! -
Sunday Apr 01, 2007
April Fools!!!! -
Monday Mar 26, 2007
I've had a bit too much to drink so I think I'll head off to bed.. Ha…