Well since I'm sick and snowed in I'm going to add to my journal. In 2 weeks I'll be heading to Los Angeles for a week, I'm pretty excited because although I've been to California about 7 or 8 times I've never been to LA. I hope it's as cool as I imagine it to be. It will be a nice change from all the snow we've had here over the last couple of days. I hate winter, the cold the snow the freezing rain. I'm just grumpy \cause I have the flu. Oh, my chicken soup is ready...
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 22, 2006
Well I found out why I'm coughing so much. Turns out I have a partial… -
Saturday Aug 19, 2006
Well I'm had some x-rays taken of my chest to find out what the hell … -
Saturday Aug 12, 2006
It really sucks being sick... -
Tuesday Aug 08, 2006
A quick joke (not ment to offend anyone) A woman goes to the check… -
Sunday Aug 06, 2006
Not a cloud in the sky, a good book in hand... sounds like a good day… -
Tuesday Aug 01, 2006
Please please please will Texas Hold' Em poker on television die a ha… -
Friday Jul 28, 2006
Well I'm sick.. Bronchitis... -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
A lazy Sunday... just what the doctor ordered... -
Friday Jul 07, 2006
Yes, yes... it's my birthday... -
Monday Jun 19, 2006
On my way to work this morning I saw a deer that was struck by a vehi…