Well since I'm sick and snowed in I'm going to add to my journal. In 2 weeks I'll be heading to Los Angeles for a week, I'm pretty excited because although I've been to California about 7 or 8 times I've never been to LA. I hope it's as cool as I imagine it to be. It will be a nice change from all the snow we've had here over the last couple of days. I hate winter, the cold the snow the freezing rain. I'm just grumpy \cause I have the flu. Oh, my chicken soup is ready...
More Blogs
Tuesday May 22, 2007
The sun is out today and I think it's time to sit on the deck.. read … -
Friday May 18, 2007
It's the weekend and it's raining but I'm going to have fun anyway! H… -
Wednesday May 02, 2007
I've got a really bad head cold. The dripping and the sneezing... I a… -
Saturday Apr 28, 2007
Ugghhh.. They changed SG again... Who likes it? -
Saturday Apr 14, 2007
I never really wanted to be in a band.. but if I could have one wish.… -
Wednesday Apr 11, 2007
Anyone like the new layout? -
Sunday Apr 08, 2007
To all those who celebrate.. Happy Easter! -
Tuesday Apr 03, 2007
I love this video! -
Sunday Apr 01, 2007
April Fools!!!! -
Monday Mar 26, 2007
I've had a bit too much to drink so I think I'll head off to bed.. Ha…