Ok, guess I should update properly. Life has been fun and busy.
Im now happily in Northampton studying History. To say this is interesting is an understatement! Im currently getting stuck into Black British History, which Ive never studied before, but is more fascinating that I could have possibly thought. Ive been looking at Queen Elizabeths (the 1st...not the current one) proclamations that a great number of ***** and *********** which...are crept into the realm. Kind of puts pay to the Daily Mail mindset that before the 1960s Britain was a perfect white country. Gits that they are. But it's well worth having a look at this history if your British. Also really enjoying the Holocaust and its Histories module (you can tell my bedtime reading is not the most light-hearted at the moment). Although I recommend everybody check out the HolocaustResearchProject sometime. Its not easy reading, but a wealth of information and very accessible.
In fact...hopefully hes a link to it. HolocaustResearchProject Hopefully, anyway. Still rubbish on this computer stuff.
Talking of computers, I treated myself to a new desktop. I figured my life is going to be spent glued to it for the next 5 years, so I needed something that is fairly good and easy to type on. Im afraid to say my little laptop wasnt up to the task. So a quick trip to PC World happened and now Evelyn is safely in my room. And may I say she is a feisty young filly indeed! On the down side, it kinda took the last of my money, so Im gonna have to get a job pretty quickly! Or sell my house soon.
Im still loving Northampton town. Have found a cheeky little pub which doesnt mind having lock-ins and play decent music. Managed to find the local comic book store, although still havent seen Mr Moore yet
But I have time. Oh yes...I have time.
No pictures yet as I havent got a camera up here yet. But Im going back to Cardiff soon so Ill borrow one. Take a few snaps of my little room...that took some getting use too! Being in a room as small as student halls of residence room after owning a house. Bad times. But its not looking too bad at the moment, and at least my flat mates are cool. Lots of drunkenness happens. So all is good.
Hope everything is well in SGland. And everybody has a good week.
Im now happily in Northampton studying History. To say this is interesting is an understatement! Im currently getting stuck into Black British History, which Ive never studied before, but is more fascinating that I could have possibly thought. Ive been looking at Queen Elizabeths (the 1st...not the current one) proclamations that a great number of ***** and *********** which...are crept into the realm. Kind of puts pay to the Daily Mail mindset that before the 1960s Britain was a perfect white country. Gits that they are. But it's well worth having a look at this history if your British. Also really enjoying the Holocaust and its Histories module (you can tell my bedtime reading is not the most light-hearted at the moment). Although I recommend everybody check out the HolocaustResearchProject sometime. Its not easy reading, but a wealth of information and very accessible.
In fact...hopefully hes a link to it. HolocaustResearchProject Hopefully, anyway. Still rubbish on this computer stuff.
Talking of computers, I treated myself to a new desktop. I figured my life is going to be spent glued to it for the next 5 years, so I needed something that is fairly good and easy to type on. Im afraid to say my little laptop wasnt up to the task. So a quick trip to PC World happened and now Evelyn is safely in my room. And may I say she is a feisty young filly indeed! On the down side, it kinda took the last of my money, so Im gonna have to get a job pretty quickly! Or sell my house soon.
Im still loving Northampton town. Have found a cheeky little pub which doesnt mind having lock-ins and play decent music. Managed to find the local comic book store, although still havent seen Mr Moore yet

No pictures yet as I havent got a camera up here yet. But Im going back to Cardiff soon so Ill borrow one. Take a few snaps of my little room...that took some getting use too! Being in a room as small as student halls of residence room after owning a house. Bad times. But its not looking too bad at the moment, and at least my flat mates are cool. Lots of drunkenness happens. So all is good.
Hope everything is well in SGland. And everybody has a good week.

I loved studying history (yonks ago), glad to hear you're enjoying it!
P.s, your comment on my blog made me laugh out loud on the train and get frowns, but fuck it, it's my train too