I leave my city tomorrow. The prospect fills me with sadness. We've know every inch of each other for over 30 years now, and she has been mother, lover and friend to me. So, today we had one last fling together, like making bitter-sweet love. And tomorrow it will be over.
My house. And in my house, my ghost. Well, not my ghost exactly. A devoted husband who died in the living room. The first ever person to own this place. From what I gather, he seems to live in the water heating tank upstairs.
A good pub this. I wasted away my A-Level years in here. I really like it as 331 years ago, two saints were executed here.
Cardiff Museum. If I could say that a certain thing influenced my life when I was young, it would be this place.
This is my favourite place in Cardiff.
Roughly 33 years ago, this was the site of my birth.
And the house I grew up in.
And my nan's house.
The Clark's Pie shop down Canton. This small shop has been making the greatest pies in the world for about 80 years now. I'm so gonna miss them.
Victoria Park One time home to Billy the Seal. I used to play here as a child, and swim in the freezing water. During Victorian times, this place housed a small zoo, with gazelle, wilder-beast, lions, tigers and bears. Oh my.
And finally, some pictures for the ladies
My house. And in my house, my ghost. Well, not my ghost exactly. A devoted husband who died in the living room. The first ever person to own this place. From what I gather, he seems to live in the water heating tank upstairs.

A good pub this. I wasted away my A-Level years in here. I really like it as 331 years ago, two saints were executed here.

Cardiff Museum. If I could say that a certain thing influenced my life when I was young, it would be this place.

This is my favourite place in Cardiff.

Roughly 33 years ago, this was the site of my birth.

And the house I grew up in.

And my nan's house.

The Clark's Pie shop down Canton. This small shop has been making the greatest pies in the world for about 80 years now. I'm so gonna miss them.

Victoria Park One time home to Billy the Seal. I used to play here as a child, and swim in the freezing water. During Victorian times, this place housed a small zoo, with gazelle, wilder-beast, lions, tigers and bears. Oh my.

And finally, some pictures for the ladies

and your rabbit is just plain awesome
Glad the move went well!
YAY bunny!