I thought we stopped playing the quiet game, honey.
I thought we knew when to pick up the keys.
I thought we knew where the doors were in the first place.
And by we I mean you, now the locks are chewing me up.
So I've been remarkably ill. It's not usually that bad, but I've got these awesome coughing fits which stop me cold from doing absolutely anything. A co-worker of mine, who I'm guessing I caught this from was diagnosed with "pre-pneumonia" and all her symptoms are all my symptoms. Gonna have to ride it out though, for lack of any other choice really.
But otherwise I'm having a decent time. Worked for quite a while doing double shifts, couldn't get a day off for the life of me, but now I'm on day two of R & R, and it's been going quite well.
I spent some time with a co-worker and friend last night. It's very nice to have her company right now especially. We have incredibly similar backgrounds, and the more we talk about it the more there is we find out about each other. The similarities lie in our extremely religious childhoods. But we certainly did have different experiences in a lot of other ways as well.
Anyway, it's nice to gain some clarity on my life, and the way I view the world. Very few people I've met in my life are able to help me with that. Unfortunately I'm growing somewhat attached to her. And everybody knows that. Except her, which is good. That cat should stay in the bag where it belongs.
I thought we knew when to pick up the keys.
I thought we knew where the doors were in the first place.
And by we I mean you, now the locks are chewing me up.
So I've been remarkably ill. It's not usually that bad, but I've got these awesome coughing fits which stop me cold from doing absolutely anything. A co-worker of mine, who I'm guessing I caught this from was diagnosed with "pre-pneumonia" and all her symptoms are all my symptoms. Gonna have to ride it out though, for lack of any other choice really.
But otherwise I'm having a decent time. Worked for quite a while doing double shifts, couldn't get a day off for the life of me, but now I'm on day two of R & R, and it's been going quite well.
I spent some time with a co-worker and friend last night. It's very nice to have her company right now especially. We have incredibly similar backgrounds, and the more we talk about it the more there is we find out about each other. The similarities lie in our extremely religious childhoods. But we certainly did have different experiences in a lot of other ways as well.
Anyway, it's nice to gain some clarity on my life, and the way I view the world. Very few people I've met in my life are able to help me with that. Unfortunately I'm growing somewhat attached to her. And everybody knows that. Except her, which is good. That cat should stay in the bag where it belongs.
a how goes to you.
somehow your words just hypnotize me....