AHHH, I dont have themoney to pay for the next 3 months for the site! I dont know what to do, cause thissite is where I spend a lot of my time. PLEASE, if anyone wants to helpme out and pay the 18 bucks for me, I will pay your next billing cycle when I h ave the money. Iwould love you forever. My next payment date is the 15th which is in like 3 days. any help would be greatly appreciated.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 15, 2007
a few poems. These were written while I was strung out, near the end… -
Sunday Apr 22, 2007
Sooo... back on SG for the first time in a few years... VERY diffrent… -
Friday Jul 15, 2005
well im gonna get cut off. I dont have any money to pay for the site… -
Tuesday Jul 12, 2005
AHHH, I dont have themoney to pay for the next 3 months for the site!… -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
Well its been a long time, haha, im actually suprised thisthing still… -
Sunday Apr 03, 2005
nice fucking birthday. I wish I was never born. 21 years ago, aborti… -
Friday Apr 01, 2005
All the "she"'s in my life are al co diffrent and confusing and I'm h… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Nothing exiting today, I slept till 430 in the afternoon. Busted open… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Oh, so dont you love it when you think you have a certain amount of m… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
So I just threw on an old Rudimentary Peni record I haven't listen…
sorry dude.