fuck I'm boerd. I never thought I'd actually be looking forward to not staying home from work anymore. For the last 2 weeks, I've been sitting around, mostly in bed, coughing my fucking brains out from this pneumonia, watching movies. But the leisure has worn off, I'm still kinda sick, and don't know what to do with myself anymore. I wish that I was healthy enough to go to DC this week. Innaguration Day is going to be a day to remember. That slimy fuck. I get aggravated just at the thought of the man, GWB that is. It's a sad time when a man can know so little and get away with so much.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 14, 2005
Sooo, How's everyone doing. And by everyone, I mean, YOU. Look… -
Friday Feb 18, 2005
Oh brother. Another fun filled weekend ahead, I woke up this morning… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
Shits been real up in the air lately. Ive jsut been tryin to figure o… -
Friday Feb 04, 2005
"I still think about you all the time" "Keep trying' "because i wa… -
Thursday Feb 03, 2005
Fuck I'm so fucking bored all the time. I feel like I completely miss… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Ah, same old shit. Went to the doc today. Should be getting disabil… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Life's been bringin me down lately. (but what else is new right?) Be… -
Sunday Jan 23, 2005
This blackness thirves on weakness Look on, ahead to the bleakne… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2005
Fucking Snow. Blah. I hate not being able to get to bed early enough…