fuck I'm boerd. I never thought I'd actually be looking forward to not staying home from work anymore. For the last 2 weeks, I've been sitting around, mostly in bed, coughing my fucking brains out from this pneumonia, watching movies. But the leisure has worn off, I'm still kinda sick, and don't know what to do with myself anymore. I wish that I was healthy enough to go to DC this week. Innaguration Day is going to be a day to remember. That slimy fuck. I get aggravated just at the thought of the man, GWB that is. It's a sad time when a man can know so little and get away with so much.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 15, 2007
a few poems. These were written while I was strung out, near the end… -
Sunday Apr 22, 2007
Sooo... back on SG for the first time in a few years... VERY diffrent… -
Friday Jul 15, 2005
well im gonna get cut off. I dont have any money to pay for the site… -
Tuesday Jul 12, 2005
AHHH, I dont have themoney to pay for the next 3 months for the site!… -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
Well its been a long time, haha, im actually suprised thisthing still… -
Sunday Apr 03, 2005
nice fucking birthday. I wish I was never born. 21 years ago, aborti… -
Friday Apr 01, 2005
All the "she"'s in my life are al co diffrent and confusing and I'm h… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Nothing exiting today, I slept till 430 in the afternoon. Busted open… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Oh, so dont you love it when you think you have a certain amount of m… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
So I just threw on an old Rudimentary Peni record I haven't listen…