Sooo... back on SG for the first time in a few years... VERY diffrent stuff going on then there was. Still pretty cool... Umm, I am constantly checking my email and messages, sooo im on a lot. I dont really know waht to say, since this is my first blog. Im billy, im 23, i just moved to Long island after living in nyc for years and years, and it's strange, but nice. Im dating a married woman, who I want more than anything else to be happy, because she obviously wasnt since im in her life in the capacity that i am. We'll see. I listen to punk of the crust and hardcore varieties mostly, though as of the last year or so, I dont listen to much but folk-metal, black metal, and the like. Elves, forests, knights and epic battles, how can you go wrong??? I work my fucking ass off, i commute to the city every day. I get outta work at 5. Hit me up. Lets hang out.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 14, 2005
Sooo, How's everyone doing. And by everyone, I mean, YOU. Look… -
Friday Feb 18, 2005
Oh brother. Another fun filled weekend ahead, I woke up this morning… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
Shits been real up in the air lately. Ive jsut been tryin to figure o… -
Friday Feb 04, 2005
"I still think about you all the time" "Keep trying' "because i wa… -
Thursday Feb 03, 2005
Fuck I'm so fucking bored all the time. I feel like I completely miss… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Ah, same old shit. Went to the doc today. Should be getting disabil… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
Life's been bringin me down lately. (but what else is new right?) Be… -
Sunday Jan 23, 2005
This blackness thirves on weakness Look on, ahead to the bleakne… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2005
Fucking Snow. Blah. I hate not being able to get to bed early enough…