life is great!
ready to go on strike, no $$$$ but the man dosn't wanna give a health package without us contributing $$$ so fuck it
hi all
happy easter
happy friday
be in vegas monday. my 2nd wedding aniversary is the 13th, we got a kick ass suite at the muthafuckin stratosphere
happy friday the 13th
me and my wife decided to get married on friday the 13th
a long time ago when dinosaurs roamed the land!
me and my wife decided to get married on friday the 13th
a long time ago when dinosaurs roamed the land!
what the fuck
merry cristmas to all, and to all a good fight!
happy saturday
fourth of july is coming soon.
8 more hours and i am on vacation
going camping w/family soon to be a hurtfull experence.
8 more hours and i am on vacation
going camping w/family soon to be a hurtfull experence.