- on user119547201's post on billy83317's page
- on billy83317's blog post
- on billy83317's blog post
- on billy83317's blog post
- on Sexting in sex talk
- on Who is horny right now #4 in sex talk
You ever just see something, even by accident, and you're just like "...oh...", and then you're in a funk the rest of the day? Yeah... 😞
Back again! XD Anyone miss me? No? LOL, that's fine, I was gone for a long time, I understand. Looking to make new friends and maybe have some fun while I'm here. ;)
Hello @Kioui How are you doing? :)
I'm posting this at 1:57 AM EST. I would LOVE some votes on this! Which of these should I play tonight? :)
The Last of Us
Rayman Legends
Arkham City
Mass Effect 2
Comment and vote! I'd love any contributions! :)
Oh, and I'm gonna close off voting at 2:30 AM EST and play the winner. :)
Hey, everyone, first entry in this old blog... I've been on this site for quite a while, but this is the first time I've felt like writing in here... I hope you all will bear with me here, I may not write on here on a regular basis, but I will as much as I can... Feedback is greatly appreciated...
I just downloaded the SnapChat...
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Well, thank you for the love...
How are you doing?