I'm just coming back from a major computer crash. I couldn't even get on line for almost a week.
I finally just reloaded my original operating system to my hard drive and now everything is working fine. God Damit! I hate dealing with AOL and Microsoft, those fuckers are useless and i'm not sure my problem didn't originate through them in the first place.
I know, I know, I'm just a consperacy buff, but i'm blocked from political and anti-political websites all the time. The information highway sure has a lot of roadblocks and highjackers on it as far as i'm concerned.
I think I walked into an internet mine field and narrowly escaped being blown to ciber hell! LOL And with that

I know, I know, I'm just a consperacy buff, but i'm blocked from political and anti-political websites all the time. The information highway sure has a lot of roadblocks and highjackers on it as far as i'm concerned.

I think I walked into an internet mine field and narrowly escaped being blown to ciber hell! LOL And with that

either that or it's apple.
cause I finally got so sick of the Windows operating system, the lifespan of pcs, and the aol freebee bullshit (that you can never get rid of), that I got an apple.
so far so good (knocks on wood).