A fun week so far, My friend Chad played Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. He said he was pretty hung over last night but did one of the best shows I have seen him do in years. He cuts accross musical styles, Country, rock, punk, and Heavy metal, and does it in a comic style. He does original music which is also broad based and puts on a great upbeat show that everyone enjoys. It's hard to be crying in your beer while Chad is playing.
I also took in Daniel Castro on Monday, who put on a great Blues show. I was a little toasted when I got there and way drank too much at the show. After taking a little cat nap during the second act, I was up and dancing by the end of the show.
I hope everyone is doing well, LUCK
I also took in Daniel Castro on Monday, who put on a great Blues show. I was a little toasted when I got there and way drank too much at the show. After taking a little cat nap during the second act, I was up and dancing by the end of the show.

I hope everyone is doing well, LUCK