Hello all, it's been awhile since the last post. The old Subaru crapped out on me, so I have been driving the old truck, I bought a year or so ago.
I cashed in a small money market account I had and bought silver with It. The price of silver is up over two dollars an ounce already ! I just don't trust the stock market anymore.
Fall is well on it's way in. Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, i'm starting to get into shape for the ski season and have revarnished the snowshoes. I've lost about 25 pounds, so the carhearts fit now.
I'm about to choke the other staff and managers at work, they are just a bunch of lazy deadbeats as far as I'm concerned. Still trying to find other work but not having much luck.
Well so long.
I cashed in a small money market account I had and bought silver with It. The price of silver is up over two dollars an ounce already ! I just don't trust the stock market anymore.
Fall is well on it's way in. Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, i'm starting to get into shape for the ski season and have revarnished the snowshoes. I've lost about 25 pounds, so the carhearts fit now.
I'm about to choke the other staff and managers at work, they are just a bunch of lazy deadbeats as far as I'm concerned. Still trying to find other work but not having much luck.
Well so long.

hola...podrian ayudarmen con votos !! por fa!!, abran el link, conectar con facebook y den click en "VOTAR" gracias!!! ( se puede votar todos los dias) http://www.lamagiakawasaki.com/leydy-carolina-restrepo-osorio hi.. help with votes! by fa!, open the link, den connect to facebook and click on "VOTE" thanks! (You can vote everyday) http://www.lamagiakawasaki.com/leydy-carolina-restrepo-osorio