Spending the day cleaning for a Fall solstice party I'm having on Monday, after everyone gets off work.

The Blues and Jazz Society I belong to is having their monthly jam session this afternoon and I still need to get a little sleep before I go to work at midnight. It should be a full day !

LUCK wink
Just tried to post, and got nothing. I'll try again !

An old girlfriend, I ran into at the bar tonight, suggested we go to the traveling Viet Nam War Memorial which is in Casper, this weekend. I looked up the name of a friend of mine who was killed in the war in 1969.

We wrestled together, were in gymnastics together and cowboyed around...
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The quiet man speaks again, how is everyone doing ? The Summer has been fun, as well as uneventful. I bought an old beater truck, A 75 Chevy half ton with a camper and have been having a ball.

A couple of new girlfriends have added to the festivities as well as the wonderful younger girl friends who I still pal around with. I finally...
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LUCK wink
I'm not sure that the Olympics have ever been exclusively about sports. They've pretty much always been exploited by somebody for some nationalistic purpose or another. It's a nice fantasy though.

Luck to you!! smile
Passed out in a limo over looking the lights of the city, on St. Pat's day. Had a great party at the house with lots of friends showing up, then went clubbing. The Wonder Bar was nuts. Where do all these amateurs come from. Found an old truck with a camper and will probably buy it. That's so I don't have to sleep on the...
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An old truck with a camper...coverted to bio-diesel... yea..I could do that and leave the grid behind... ARRR!!! biggrin
Well it's snowing today, about to go to bed, so I can party tonight before I go to work. The pre party starts at 5 PM. I have been doing Starbucks Martini's lately, But they are kind of sweet and burn a little going down, But my young friends like them. Mostly just watching DVD's and drinking and working and sleeping.

So Good Night ! wink
Starbucks Martini? Is that a Black Russian by any other name? wink biggrin ARRR!!!
Upcoming Blues show on my birthday, a young bartender I know is treating me to the show , We do like to dance together. Still having problems with the rudder on the ice boat. Planning a party the night of the Blues show. I was out of town and didn't have an end of the year party so i'm due. Drinking whisky and going to...
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Getting ready for a trip back to Philadelphia to see my family, really looking forward to the trip. Had some cold days here and snow still on the ground. Skiing was fun ! A young friend asked me out on a date, I did have to work at midnight so I didn't get into any trouble. Having lots of fun in the bars but seem...
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strange days ?

LUCK ! wink
Well hello, time to post again, Busy, busy, busy, worked 12 hours on Thanksgiving, but was payed double for the time, redesigning the ice boat, making it biger, dancing last night to the Blues and a private party tonight and of course work at midnight, shopping done early for Christmas. Bought a telescope for the grandkids. They moved accross the country and are now in...
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It was with great sadness, that at the end of March, I saw my friend and dance partner move to NYC. Well she is comming back, so there will be joy in Mudville on Saturday, the 20th.

We have had a couple of snows in the mountains. That makes the hunters and us Skiers happy, It will not be long.

There is a new club...
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So I've been posting but if I try to edit , It never reaches my BLOG. What's with that ?

Things are not much better at work, but it's a 30K+ job so what the hell. New boss, just another dumb bitch !
Back working seven days a week again. Twelve people have quit the company in the last month or so. I can't say...
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it's a "holiday" party! wink

lol - america's response to the changing of the ratios of religions and the consumerization of christmas to xmas I guess....
Glad to see your still out there.

I don't think we'll see anything.

We've allowed our leaders to create a little shit storm. We'll feel it soon.