when people are online, they take on a different persona. the person you meet on the computer, or read a profile of, is prolly either typing what they wish they could say or do, or they are straight up lying. i know this kid who post messages and his ass would not be saying shit the way he types. not that what he says is...
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this member has no friends. ha ha.

how true.

last night i went to some shit and saw people. talked to a few, who knows if ill ever see them again. we talked about hip hop and it was fun. i wanted to see her freestyle, but she didnt. tommorrow is kool keith at 1650. you bet your ass ill be there.

-Good Will Cutting
computers were down yesterday. today is the first of three that i will possibly see kool keith perform. watching two dogs this weekend in glendale. five more days and perhaps my boredom will be taken down a notch. kill will be here tuesday morning. i wanna buy some dvd and cds. punch drunk love was supposed to come out. my stomach hurts. next month is...
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t sent me a package in the mail yesterday. i dont know what the hell im gonna do for some money. im supposed to be paid soon, but its not soon enough. my gas tank is leaking. who knows how long thats been happening. kk called here about 3 months ago wanted to do an album and no one told me. i would of been...
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even minimum will feel like millions compared. i missed the call this weekend cuz i was at my grandparents house. going to the DMV on july third to get a CA drivers. kill is moving here july first. he wanted to see the mars volta, and like some dipshits we actually thought tickets would be avaliable.

-Good Will Cutting
what is on the schedule? nothing. do i want to leave just to return with half a tank? perhaps i will work on the things that have been put off. but why do that when i can do them tommorrow? why do i ask myself questions when i write? i am not expecting the screen to come forth with some conversation, yet i continue. im...
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not going to the show wednesday night was the stupidest thing i could of done. i had free tickets. i had nothing to do. and to top it all off. the one person that i want to meet more than anyone in the world was there. i really fucked that one up. how the fuck was i supposed to know she was gonna be there?...
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an experiment went wrong. i wrote down the reminder then forgot the whole stroy the reminder was supposed to trigger. failed. from now on i gotta force myself to open my eyes and write it down at that very moment my slumber is disturbed. i have been thinking of another that i dont even know. that is the ususal for me to build from nothing....
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assuming that this woman isnt lying to me, which i feel she does alot. i might be able to get my first place in los angeles sooner than i thought. kill is moving here at the end of the month so that will make rent cheaper, especially if what she told me is true about the rent being so cheap. i fucking hope so. It...
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all im saying is talk to me like that outside of work and see if i dont slap your little ass around. i keep it professional when in the workplace. but try to talk down to me and see whats gonna happen you motherfucker. i like your your ten years older than me and working 25 hours a week, living with your mom and drinking...
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fuck a monday morning at the office, nahmean. i just filled out an interview via email for my friends internet magazine. www.groundmag.com that shit was pretty fun, i dont know how good i did though. buck it. smm sent me a link to a devastating halloween movie poster to mark the 25ht anniversary, but i just cant cut a check for 26 bones right now...
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Sunday morning sidewalk, im wishing lord that i was...what is on the agenda. i usually go people watching on sunday. that punk ass wants me to come to the studio and assist today. i dont wanna go, but maybe ill drop by for an hour or two just to make me look good, then make up an excuse why i have to leave. gotta get...
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