im out this piece. not 100 percent sure when, but im out. homeward bound mufucka! ill be back like terminator soon, but for now. im out. 614.
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.

i found finally. too bad it was to late. too little time. ill be going again. maybe this time ill find something worth remembering. also today i was reminded of what i dont want to be. and a hard truth that has solidified in my mind. but that was in the old. im finished anyway.

-Good Will Cutting
memorial day weekend. i shuold be working on saturday until the evening. dont really have shit else to do. i really got to get my ass out in the public and meet some people to hang out with. this is ridiculous. do i have to work on monday? anyone reading this (yeah right) contact me so we can hangout this weekend. i love to do...
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Memorial Day happens in May. This is Labor Day weekend. smile
Registration for a car in california is such a fuckin hassle. there is so much more to do than ohio, and so much more expensive. shit. right now im driving illegally with expired plates, so i dont go out as much as i would like. and my roommate with a good registaion dont wanna do shit but sit around and sleep/watch tv. thats cool, maybe...
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i got this woman at work talking shit. i put up with all kinds of degradation here, now i got this one talking shit and making me out to be a worthless kid. i am resenting this place more and more each day im here.

-Good Will Cutting
i didnt wanna come back. now its back to the shit that i feel i have to do rather than doing what i really want to do, which is sit around and hang out. i guess thats wht i wanna do now, but i know if i spend my time fucking around ill regret that shit later. i dont wanna end up like the kids...
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pants. i got to get some. i went to the store last week, but now i need shoes. being a fashion mogul is no easy task. i ask no one for help because i am the one that must wear these things. being a fashion superstar is painfully expensive. when you have no money how does one find it to buy useless things such as...
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wow, i have the same problem. i dont know where to go for anything, i am always asking the people i work with where to buy shit. los angeles is so big, and theres so much shit, it to the point where i have too many options and i dont know where to find anything. you should go to columbus, oh. that place is the ill shit. we casn hook up and hang out everyday. call me. peace.
yeah fuck it i said it. all i ever wanted was to pick apart the day. its not bad rap, im just not feeling it. the bitch in you. a friend became the love of my life. dont stop till you get enough. youve been hit by, youve been struck by. girls walk sunset with they ass out. what possesd you to do that. your...
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nine days. nine days til i will be back in columbus. this trip home better be worth me getting on a plane. i hate flying. im always scared that my liver will explode or something extremely painful will happen to me and the flight attendant will tell me to wait for five hours til the plane can land. i am gonna do my best to...
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yeah, so check it. i told b. i wasnt gonna kick it with him cuz kill was waiting for me at home. then i get home and remember kill went to chino to hang with some family. then while watching rushmore realized that i didnt go to the kool keith show tonight cuz kill aint old enough to get in. so i fucked myself like...
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i love me some rushmore....but missing out on koolkeith is a bad thing...
SGOH Cedar Point pics n stuff.it was fuckin awsome!
as far as i gathered we got people from Florida,Wisconson,Michigan,Ohio,Canada,and NY. to attend.
yesterday i was told i am making a third less than i thought i was making at this internship/job bullshit. im going home in two weeks. when i come back i dont want to be coming to the place anymore. i gotta start over and find a better job so i can have some fun. what kind of shit is that? 20/day when i work...
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horrible...but at least you have a job...
she has moved away. i know i have already left, but somewhere in the back of my mind i was hoping or dreaming that she would someday realize that she had made a mistake and would come back. but she is gone. she has a new life, and it shouldnt matter to me what happens to her now, or what she is doing, or with...
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oh man you rule....this is THE MOST AWESOME profile name ever!!!! oh and i'm going to go and check out that tattoo artist at stained skin you recommended. i actually live in columbus and it would take me 15 mins to get to the shop. i'm in the process of trying to figure out who's going to do my SG logo on my shoulder..but i don't want to just go to anyone. it may be a simple piece and not very big but i still don't want to take the chance on botching it.

thanks kiss

and i hope your feeling better or at least feeling alright. if you need talk or just shoot the shit let me know