I love going to/renting movies...Maybe I'll write some reviews (not that it seems anybody checks in on my profile...but who cares! It's just another way to keep myself entertained!
First off this movie offered very little of a "point", but who cares! If you have ever waited tables, especially at a Bennigan's, you need to see this movie. It is a day in the life of a waiter...to the extreme. I myself work as a waiter, and formerly as a waiter at a Bennigan's, and have seen most of the scenerios that were depicted in this film. The restaurant used in the movie is in fact Bennigan's with all the Bennigan's logos replaced with Shennanigan's logos. This movie contains all the clichee waiter revenge tactics that most patrons fear and most servers fantasize about doing. Although this movie will make anyone with an immature sense of humor (yours truely) laugh, it is a great big inside joke for people "in the biz". And remember rule number one....Don't piss off the people who serve you your food!
First off this movie offered very little of a "point", but who cares! If you have ever waited tables, especially at a Bennigan's, you need to see this movie. It is a day in the life of a waiter...to the extreme. I myself work as a waiter, and formerly as a waiter at a Bennigan's, and have seen most of the scenerios that were depicted in this film. The restaurant used in the movie is in fact Bennigan's with all the Bennigan's logos replaced with Shennanigan's logos. This movie contains all the clichee waiter revenge tactics that most patrons fear and most servers fantasize about doing. Although this movie will make anyone with an immature sense of humor (yours truely) laugh, it is a great big inside joke for people "in the biz". And remember rule number one....Don't piss off the people who serve you your food!

I'm from around Fort Lauderdale in fact. And, yes, I miss it so much. I absolutely hate the cold - hate it, hate it! And I miss the beaches and palm trees...