great canadian electro...
Hi everyone!

I turned 37 on april 12th, and I feel great!
My bf got me a vaporizer and I really like it!! I am never smoking my 420 again!!!
I'm super happy I got my first latex outfit for the upcoming fetish week-end

Vengeance Designs
Kayla Lael is ma super latex bitch and I LOVE HER!!
Its a custom order, I inspired her with my ideas and she created '' The Billie Leotard '' for me YAH!!! She decided to make one for her, and then she decided to include it on her collection!
its 150$
3 more outfits to get done!!!
Probably by Vengeance Designs again, Madria Latex from Montreal, and my friend Renee Masoomian of Baby Loves Latex....
It was 8:30 am when I got it and I was not even awake but I was just to happy to wiggle in it!!!
....shitty webcam pics

and look at the back!!!!!

I'm still shooting, a lot

Here are some raw pics of my latest shoot with William Brock 3 weeks ago...
My actual profile pic is from William Brock

I fell in sexual love with the other model

and this is totaly happening here in my province. weeks of public manifestations in the streets. good or bad weather, every day with passion.... this is historical for us.
Hundreds of thousands of people, students, teachers, mothers, childrens, poor and middle class workers from across Quebec who descended on Montreal to express their displeasure with Premier Jean Charest's proposal to hike university tuition by about 50%, destroy our environment and sell our natural ressources among other things....
and I'm so proud....things must change. we want the corrupted goverment OUT!
and this is how the police acts since it started....
awwww you are always too gorgeous have nice sunday a lots of kisses to u!!!!!!
Your beautiful my friend