Slowly getting my gear for the next Montreal Fetish Week-End...
I will be walking for Vengeance Designs from NYC, and its an honor coz I love that bitch! Kayla is outrageously daring and I love her. She's making a latex playsuit for me and I will get it by mail very very soon!!!!!!
I had the dream I was sharing my room at the hotel during the event with no one that Raquel Reed
its a sign I hope!!!!
I will be shooting for Xander Star Designs in collab with Polymorphe luxury latex on april 1st
this is gonna be ONE HOT SHOOTING!!!
handjobs and footjobs are fun to do
se ya soon
I will be walking for Vengeance Designs from NYC, and its an honor coz I love that bitch! Kayla is outrageously daring and I love her. She's making a latex playsuit for me and I will get it by mail very very soon!!!!!!
I had the dream I was sharing my room at the hotel during the event with no one that Raquel Reed

I will be shooting for Xander Star Designs in collab with Polymorphe luxury latex on april 1st

handjobs and footjobs are fun to do

se ya soon
have fun