Hello pussies.
I'm back on medication. Been taking legal drug to control my anxiety for a month now, and all is well. I was off medication for over a year, and it was a downward spiral back to hell.
Some people are real dogs. I will never forget the events that happened to me during the last 2 months. Wont talk about it as someone might try to desactivate my account here again. I am disgusted....
I got myself a new job

I decided to apply to work in a private elderly residence, with no fucking experience in that domain, so I can be surrounded by old people at the end of their life, disabled, slow and incontinent, half there... They are the one who should want to be dead. Not me. It slowly helps me to realize things...
I love taking care of the people there, really

I also applied here and I have an interview at the end of May

I am officially a Cult Sirens, joining model like Vivid Vivika, Madeleine Horn, Bianca Beauchamp, Jean Bardot, Nicotine and Maiwan! Its such an honor for me

My son bought his scooter! ahahha with his own money! I'm so proud of him!!! 14 1/2 years old, a girlfriend, a job and now a scooter

I had a super cool modeling job for a local designer " riff-raff clothing co. " for a piece in the 2010 summer swimwear line

I bought new shoes again and some cute summer dresses, I still have a new set of pre-glued 26" extensions to put on but I feel like cutting my hair and dye them... I dont know.... I can wear any haircut, and I need to change... any suggestions please?
I have a lot of short-films project for the summer, horror theme and conceptual fun stuff with the great Isabelle Stephen. She's a doll and also a Cult Sirens and she is so talented!!!
ok well, enough now, time for some pictures.... my camera is out of batteries now and I'm too lasy to go buy some. I will update this blog with more pics somewhere during the week.
Have a nice month of Lilac, and thanks for leaving your comments on my set and blogs.
Kiss Kiss

wow i adore those pictures. really cool poses. some of them i am like how does she do that without falling over!! I am glad you like your new job and looks like things are going your way. i am not looking forward to when my niece dates. although it is awhile away i still will freak out about every guy she likes. :batattak: she is gonna hate her auntie when she gets to that age.
loved listening to music while reading your fun blog. glad your doing good hun. xxx