free download of Sam Rockwell latest set!!
(shooting a Patrick Nagel shoot at his home very soon too!)
Its been a LONG time since my last blog...I KNOW forgive me.
Many things happened to me. A lot of bad bad bad things, and I've sinked in a very unpleasant mood

Some nasty people cant stand to see me model and are doing everything they can to make my life a true living hell.
AHHHHH FUCK OFF I dont want to go into more details, she is evil and I wish she choke and die on her own nasty spit... Nature will take care of this ugly human being...
My daughter contracted the A H1N1 virus, had was very VERY sick. She came home after school on october 30 th, for the week-end, and already she was not feeling well. She had a little fever, but nothing to be alarmed. She went to bed early. The day after, she sleeped all day, and stayed in bed.. She was having high fever..102 F but the prime minister here had a tv spot to tell people to not OVER panic and rush to the hospital, and so to wait 48h before coming to emergency.. I waited, giving her medecine, controling her temperature often... No halloween this year, for no one, anyway the weather was horrible. So on sunday after-noon she started to puke and was 104 F and we rushed to the hospital.. There was a lot of people there, waiting, and some ambulance just had arrived, and only one doctor...

Even if her name was called, we had to wait again in another small place with a stretcher... she puked again... and had nothing in her stomach... awful. like yolks. The doctor give her the ah1n1 test.. 2 sticks right up IN the nose, to the brain like!!! ahahah thats what my daughter remember of it... scratching her brain.. and so, well they decided to put her on a solution because she was deshydrated.. Her father was to take the kids back on sunday night, but we were already at the hospital, so he came and we've been through all this together.. It was hard for me. very hard. He decided to leave around midnight when they told us we wont have any results until 40 something hours.. and we were in a restricted area were only one parent could stay. So I decided to stay, and he got my son to his place, telling me he would come back the morning after. I was fine with that.
I slept on 2 chairs with a small pillow and my weird yellow suit, and gloves and my mask...lovely... I had a terrible night... AAAARRRGH. nobody wants to spend the night in the emergency-observation whatever they call it, with outrageously sick and coughing people everywhere.... I heard someone ask for the basin to shit!!! URGH... the day after her father came around 10h... I went home, and cryed.. Im the most relaxed and calm person when Im taking care of somebody in an emergency... but after, I totaly break down... apparently they left the hospital around 20h.. they treated her as a h1n1 case even tho they had no results yet... so, no school for a week! The doc called back the day after, and said it really was AH1N1 and that he will call the health services to declare her case.. She is fine now. We never though she would die. People are going crazy over this...
So no vaccine for her now that she got it, and we still refuse to recieve the vaccine. The father and I, we strongly NOT approuve the campain of FEAR and GUILT of this ridiculous vaccine. I have my reasons, I wont talk more about this... Everyone is fine.
My son is now 14... I'm proud! He is the man of my life! I dont have full custody of my kids, but now that he is 14, he can choose and his choice was made for a long time already. Only now he can really work it out. So in febuary 2010 the court will make the changes... You have no idea how much it means to me... You guys dont know me, my life, what I've been through. Some of you might think I'm just another girl who wants to get naked on internet.... tssss.. its only therapeutic to me to model... I dont want to go into details here neither...
Living with my son will probably change my life, and I'm looking forward to it. I miss my kid... I missed so many years... He knew since he was 12 that he had a biological father somewhere, and now more than ever he wants to find him. He had to talk with his actual father about everything he knows now, about the fact that he now wants go live with me... I'm so proud of him, it was something very hard to do for a 14 years old kid..
His actual father was a little bit reluctant, as we supposed he would be, and he his scared to "loose" his place... but its only anxiety... OUR son loves both of us, and will always recognize his actual father as his REAL father... only now he will know about his origins. Also, he knows he have new aunt and uncles, new cousins of about his age ( that looks like him, its insane)..... 2009 is gonna end pretty well for my boy. I'm so proud of him. He is smart. He passed his scooter driver's licence last week and got it!!!!!!!
.....I've had a self-harm sad episode... my left arm, or my heart? the choice is easy...for me. I'm in pain. I asked for help... but my arm is ok, sort of :S I dont like what I see.. sigh..... I've been there already, I know where I'm heading at... so I had to do something pretty quick with what's left of me. I've decided to surround myself with great new people I've deeply connected with recently. Nothing to do with sex or love.. Pure friendship. I needed it. And this person is now responsable of my modeling future...
We already have a LOT of artistic and creative collaborations projects with amazing local artists. I told you already. I'm not just a girl who pose. I am deeply touched and moved by artistic visions, I strongly respect art in all its forms. I'm an hyper sensitive art lover.. you know that

I'm getting more and more interested in the Illuminatis... just to tell.
I have won a pair of tickets for Cirque Du Soleil Alegria -arena edition- on december 29th.
I need new shoes, new hair and new pantyhoses. I CRAVE for a new Tokidoki tattoo.
I'm still a DEAD FAN of the 80s....I will give my son's a personal designed snowboard helmet made by an incredible airbrush artist, for Christmas, a chik in bikini with guns!! ahahahah... I will go to IInfected Mushroom concert during the "Bal en Blanc 2010"...
Ok... how about pictures now?
Random stuff? Modeling? Candids?
oh I have an idea.. How about some pics of my past sets I've submitted on SG over the last 15 months? ahahhaha I feel like LOL at myself for being so naive and thinking SG would like what I do

I will continue to do my shit, as long as I want. period.
Everyone that cares about me, I care about you. I want to wish you great times with the ones you love during the holidays. Think about yourself, have fun, enjoy what's given to you.
See ya!
Musical Sensations ( I did my very first set with a man I adore and totaly respect as an artist, Sam Rockwell. I was so happy and we had so much fun! Too bad our camera was not good enough

Luscious Lethargie (

So What Sofa ( ahahhaha oh so sultry!!!! You did not liked it )

Legs Saloon (1850... this set was rejected from staff

Work-It ( fun fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!!!! But you did not liked it )

Purgatory Story ( aka the set I never had the guts to submit..) I VERY REGRET IT

Forest Dancer ( ...sort of a practice for Yamaska)

Yamaska (...queued for january 2010) for the fans of my work, my friends... anyway.

ALSO, I wanna post the pictures of the set I made with Art Irritant. Its called STROKE

Art Irritant was a HUGE experience for me, and I cant wait to work with them again in 2010. Their website is currently down, they are doing major changes... surprise surprise!
let me see...

ok I'm done for this year. but might update with more modeling pictures!!
Thanks for leaving me some love. I appreciate it!
I really don't get it, sorry.