I'm back from P.E.I It was a great trip, sunny and hot!!!!
We left at 3am last thursday. My bf had a little 5h of sleep before the ride, and I had none. No surprise. My daughter was sleeping, and my son was not. We were like too hyper to sleep and I'm too scared to sleep in a car anyway.
We all saw the sun come up right in our face, as we were going right East

So we stopped at this rat hole Saint-Leonard, and the nightmare began. Oh yes.... the car broke down.... ahahahh funny eh?! There was oil coming out of everywhere under the car ahahahha and the stering was making aweful sounds!!!!! We had to find a garage, and it took 4h to repair the car... 350$ it was a sensor and the power stering pump and all that.. At least it was not the transmission!!!! ahahhaha We were so scared! What would we have done in the middle of nowhere with no car?! ahahahhah
SO, while they were working on the car we had to find a place to go to wait, with the trailer and the kids. We went to a creepy camping site by a smelly brown river, 5 min from the garage. I would had NEVER spent a night there!!!! But I was so tired, I could not stand up anymore. So I grabbed a blanket and I went under the trailer to take a nap.

Finally the car was ready and we got back on the infamously boring TransCanadian Highway 1 around 4h30. It was a long way to get to the other side of NB...and we arrived at the Confederation Bridge at late evening. I'm so scared of bridge its a real phobia. I was shaking and loosing my breath just knowing we were getting closer to it... and it was not that bad actually

At 12.9 kilometres (8 miles), the Confederation Bridge is worlds longest bridge over ice-covered water. It has won dozens of international engineering awards since its construction, and was designed to last for a century...and a decade after its construction, it endures as one of Canadas top engineering achievements of the 20th century. Engineers designed the bridge with graceful curves to ensure drivers remain attentive, and to reduce the potential for accidents that experts believe happen more often on straight highways or bridges. The highest curve at the Navigation Span reaches 60 metres above water, allowing large sea vessels, including some cruise ships, to navigate under the bridge between its piers, which stand 250 metres apart.

ITS HUGE!!!! and it cost 42.50$ to cross for a car, plus 7$ for the trailer. Less expensive than the ferry

After the bridge, we were finally to PEI. But still 2h30 away from our final destination :S Yeah, I wanted to go to the KingsLand, to the East Coast of the island, where the rocks are red and the sand sings


It was around 1am when we arrived at the gate entrance. Its was dark and we were so crazy tired so we did not see the ocean or anything else

We had some warm weather almost all days. We spent our days at the beach with the dog, playing in the ocean, or just taking long long long walk on the beaches, collecting sand dollars or dead crabs, throwing jellyfish back in the water... eheheheh. I wanted to relax with the kids, enjoy the moments. We were sleeping at midnight every nights, and up by 7h30 every morning. It felt so great to have a "normal" schedule

Oh! and I had a LOT of alcool ahahahhaaha!! The Liquor Store was the only store open till 22h everyday

I did some paintings on red rocks too. It took me 6 hours to paint a potato field

Every night we had a cozy camp fire, with smores, marshmallow and chips. God I love the smell of a campfire

It was a fun trip, we had one 150$ lobster dinner one evening, and we've been to the East Point Lighthouse too. The site was moved because of bank erosion. Its really scary because the ground is like dry mud and it can break at anytime. Other than that we played board games and cards, and watched movies on the laptop in the laundry room

I brought back samples of big red oxydated rocks to paint on, red dry mud and white singing sands. Im so kitsh..
I could have stayed 14 days there... Its so beautiful. The ride back was perfect, we left the camping at 7h30 and arrived 15h later at Granby

Its well worth the long road and the 1300$
Now enjoy my holiday pics!!!

stucked in Saint-Leonard rat hole in NB

The jellyfish...

This is my favorite picture

some MACRO I did... I made a real tourist out of myself OKAY

I love you
See ya!!!!
I have amazing shoots to come, and crazy film project, and I will post pics of recent shoots I did very soon!!!!
nice photos
how'd you manage to stumble across little ol me??

I dont mind at all!! I welcome your friendship
thank you so much!