so how effin' GOOD is 24!!!!! jack bauer is so effin' tough
this is my first time actually watching on tv & not dvd... its gonna be torture only getting one episode a week! muh! but i cant NOT watch, knowing its ON now...
well, so far i havent had to go in for jury duty
but i have to call every day this week & see if they need me... hopefully i will get through the whole week without having to go in
that would be fabulous!
so... i decided to take the risk n cut my bangs... they actually came out ok i think... not too crooked looking
heres a pic of me and my friend melissa at arazorbladephase's dinner party, which was delicious, by the way
the end.
so how effin' GOOD is 24!!!!! jack bauer is so effin' tough

this is my first time actually watching on tv & not dvd... its gonna be torture only getting one episode a week! muh! but i cant NOT watch, knowing its ON now...

well, so far i havent had to go in for jury duty

so... i decided to take the risk n cut my bangs... they actually came out ok i think... not too crooked looking

heres a pic of me and my friend melissa at arazorbladephase's dinner party, which was delicious, by the way

the end.

i didnt give you an eminem cd.

man i need to catch up on my 24. I lost my place in line after the first season