whoa... this is so weird, with this new messanger feature, it's like being on myspace but with hott nekid chicks!! i mean even more than b4!! which is coo cause i heart myspace
anyway, hello everybody!
i am sorry i haven't updated in awhile (i suck) jan. has just been a crazy busy month, yet it dragged at the same time.. odd.. anyway, hope 2006 is treating everyone well so far
i am well, baby is well... he is 5 months old now and such a big boy!! we started feeding him rice cereal along with the boobie milk... its so fun to feed him with a spoon in his highchair!!
anywho, i am so excitied, i am going to VEGAS next week for my best friend, loricomplex's wedding!!! i am so happy for her!! if u all have a minute, please go wish her congrats!!
i heart vegas ALMOST as much as i heart lori so its gonne be so awesome!!
hugs and kisses to all! and tell me whats going on with you!!
luv, billiejoe xoxo.

anyway, hello everybody!

i am sorry i haven't updated in awhile (i suck) jan. has just been a crazy busy month, yet it dragged at the same time.. odd.. anyway, hope 2006 is treating everyone well so far

i am well, baby is well... he is 5 months old now and such a big boy!! we started feeding him rice cereal along with the boobie milk... its so fun to feed him with a spoon in his highchair!!
anywho, i am so excitied, i am going to VEGAS next week for my best friend, loricomplex's wedding!!! i am so happy for her!! if u all have a minute, please go wish her congrats!!

i heart vegas ALMOST as much as i heart lori so its gonne be so awesome!!
hugs and kisses to all! and tell me whats going on with you!!
luv, billiejoe xoxo.
hehehe The food sounds like a General Mills Porno where the Rice Krispy Elves use breast milk
Just work here but that is a good thing
Hope you had a BLAST in Vegas

Happy Valentine's Day