Whilst buying bagels this evening I was informed that bagels will soon be sold in bags of 4 as opposed to 6 which is currently the case. At the time I was distracted and really couldn't think of anything appropriate to respond to that beyond mumbling something about how I'd have to buy 3 bags at a time now instead of 2. As is often the case it wasn't until later, walking home, that I realized what I should have said.
What I should have said was: "That's a really good idea, but you know what would be a better idea? If they started packaging each bagel, nay each half bagel individually. I mean they should cut them in half and package the top half and bottom half separately. That way, each morning at breakfast, I get to throw out 4 bags. I mean, really, fuck the next generation. I never plan on having kids anyway."
What I should have said was: "That's a really good idea, but you know what would be a better idea? If they started packaging each bagel, nay each half bagel individually. I mean they should cut them in half and package the top half and bottom half separately. That way, each morning at breakfast, I get to throw out 4 bags. I mean, really, fuck the next generation. I never plan on having kids anyway."
It's always after the fact, isn't it? I find the few times I actually nail the witty comment to the attractive girl in person it pays good dividends. Got me married, for fuck's sake.