> From: support@skype.net
> To: ********
> Subject: Re: PA001: Payment taken for minutes not exceeding fair usage limits <<#1418510-3374449#>>
> Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 10:58:44 +0000
> Hello Brendan,
> Thank you for writing back.
> We aplogize for the delayed response.
> Most of our subscriptions have a 10,000 minute per month limit. However, we are sure you'll agree that 10,000 minutes per month is a lot. It's almost 6 hours of calling each day. The reason for this limit is that unfortunately some people are abusing our "Fair Use Policy", which you can view here: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/legal/terms/fair_usage/
> This limit is an effective way of preventing account abuse whilst still offering the very best prices to our many millions of honest users like you.
> All subscriptions are automatically monitored to ensure compliance with our fair use policy. Occasionally, this monitoring will detect a pattern of usage (for example, intensive calling over a short period of time, or a high amount of conference calls) that will lead to a subscription being suspended.
> We continually tweak out monitoring to ensure legitimate callers are not affected by this process.
> According to our records your subscription was suspended because your calls exceeded 6 hours/day on March 8.
> We have reset your account's "fair use policy" settings and you should now be able to make calls again.We apologize for any inconvenience if your service was interrupted.
> Should you need more assistance, feel free to contact us again; we will be glad to help.
> Best regards,
> Eva S. - Skype Support
Thank you for your response. It seems, however, that despite resetting my account you have failed to fix the problem. My daily limits are still not resetting at the conclusion of the day. I was on the phone for 6 hours and 2 minutes yesterday, and today money is suddenly coming off my account. Your system is broken. Please fix it.
If you're confused by the concept of a daily limit, here's how it should work. Like the 10,000 minute monthly limit when an account exceeds 6 hours in one day that account should be charged normal rates for the remainder of that day (you know, because it's a daily limit). What the system should not do is charge normal rates thereafter for the entire month. Such a system would (is), to be frank, completely moronic. I agree that 10,000 minutes is a lot, and I understand the need for fair use limits, however the possibility that I could accidentally exceed 6 hours of use on the first day of the month (6 hours, by the way, is equal to 360 minutes, which is nowhere close to 10,000) and be expected to pay normal rates until my account resets at the end of the month is perhaps the stupidest thing ever conceived and I feel dumber for even having the idea in my brain. I feel confident that this possibility is not your actual intent, since any group of people with a collective IQ low enough to invent such a scheme would be little more than protoplasm and incapable of tying their shoes without accidentally killing themselves. Obviously, then, there is an error in the system. Please inform me when you have found and fixed it so that I can make phone calls again, since there's no way in hell I'm buying any additional credit.
Anytime you want to restore my lost credit would be appreciated, too.