I finally got my results from my CT scan today. As suspected I do have a bulging and slightly herniated disk. My back has been feeling a lot better lately with the rest I've been giving it. But still, it's been over a year and a half since I did whatever I did to it, and the specialist suggested I might want to consider surgery. He's sending me to a neurosurgeon for a consultation, at least. Though surgery apparently doesn't make a big difference with physical healing it may make the pain go away faster and get me back to work sooner, which would be nice, since I'm getting bored to the point of insanity right now. My Employment Insurance expired last week so I have to get another note from my GP and apply for an extension. Shouldn't be a big issue, since I obviously still can't work like this.
In the meantime I've been trying to kill time and keep off my feet. I started messing around with GarageBand the last couple of days, building an experimental recording around 8 random bars I played on my tin-whistle. It's not much, kinda monotonous (though that could be because I've been listening to it continuously for a good part of the last couple of days), and I'm certainly gonna play with it more, but this is what I've created so far.
In the meantime I've been trying to kill time and keep off my feet. I started messing around with GarageBand the last couple of days, building an experimental recording around 8 random bars I played on my tin-whistle. It's not much, kinda monotonous (though that could be because I've been listening to it continuously for a good part of the last couple of days), and I'm certainly gonna play with it more, but this is what I've created so far.