So today was my Grandmas funeral. She lived a long good life into her mid 80's. Kind of odd today. As i sat at the funeral home, none of my cousins said hi to me. I doubt they recognized me even. I have not seen them in four years! Most of the aunts and uncles stopped and said hi. Also as I was sitting there in the back by myself, I realized I have nothing at all in common with that part of my family. They all have great jobs, went to college, almost made the Olympic swimming team, married, have kids, and very religious. Here I am the black sheep all tattooed, pierced and branded up. Single, no kids, not religious and work in a factory and proud of it. Its not like they look down on me at all, they all love me greatly. Its just I can not really talk to them, I have nothing in common!
Yep, Black sheep!
Yep, Black sheep!
ps thanks for the lovely comment