I am officially a State 1 Certified Fire Fighter here in Wisconsin now! What a tough test! I pushed myself hard to accomplish it! Im also proud to say I did it all on my first try! So happy its over with! lol Time to try and get some normalcy back in my life....
Lots of good and bad things going on around here. Too many to mention now. On the plus side, I may be getting a puppy from a rescue shelter soon =) Im excited! I will know later today!
Thank you so much for your love on my set 

Thank you for your lovely support!
Wow! Its been forever since I have posted anything on here. Havent been in the best mind sets the last few months/year. lol
So Ill post a few positive things....
Work is going good. Still hurt but its not as bad anymore. Just hit my six month mark and they are talking about training me as a back-up operator.
Fire Department has gotten all shook...
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So Ill post a few positive things....
Work is going good. Still hurt but its not as bad anymore. Just hit my six month mark and they are talking about training me as a back-up operator.
Fire Department has gotten all shook...
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thank you 

First week of the new job was brutal. I am so not use to being a crew member on a machine all day. I'm use to running it... Basically all day long I lift 43 pound blocks of cheese at a fast pace! There really is no down time. Your working at a fast pace all day. My right arm, wrist, and hand are sore...
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Put out some applications for part time work and one for a full time job. I figured I had no chance for the full time job. Well, I ended up getting it. Its an instant pay raise for me and I start today! Pretty excited. There are a few down sides about the job. Going to miss a bunch of my Fire Fighter meetings and...
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Thank you for support me! kisses!
Started putting apps out for a part time job or a new better full time job. Hope this works!
Saturday I was fortunate enough to go to a RIT class. (Rapid Intervention Team) This is advance training for fire fighters. If a fire fighter goes down in a burning structure we go in to save him. The class was an all day event. It included...
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Saturday I was fortunate enough to go to a RIT class. (Rapid Intervention Team) This is advance training for fire fighters. If a fire fighter goes down in a burning structure we go in to save him. The class was an all day event. It included...
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Thanks for the support on my new set <3 <3
Thanks for voting me 

My First Responder class is coming up to an end in a few weeks. All my thoughts of not being able to handle this are starting to go away. On my last test on Tuesday I only got three wrong! Another high grade in the class! Some how the knowledge is sticking with me. The only question now is, can I apply this knowledge in...
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Im also looking a job :/ it sucks ass
Getting tired of school now! My EMS class is a little difficult and didn't do to great on today's test. Guess I'll just have to work and study harder. I seem to be loosing interest....
Just have to keep at it and hope the next few months go quickly. Its for a good cause! Nothing more rewarding than saving some ones life!
Just have to keep at it and hope the next few months go quickly. Its for a good cause! Nothing more rewarding than saving some ones life!
Merci !
Had a EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) test today! I was soooooo worried about it! I am bad at tests and remembering names and such.... I thought for sure I was going to fail. Had to have 46 out of 60 correct. Get my test back and I see a 45 on the front! My heart dropped. Then I realized that was 45 out of 50...
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Started my First Responder class. On the first day i had old books, so I had to go get new ones. Going to be way way too much reading I think! At least I know the teacher and one of the other students I had taking my Fire Fighter classes with. Class is small, only 4-5 people! Should have a lot of one-on-one teaching and...
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thank youuu! 

hope you loooovvvveeeee it!!!!!
So I passed my Entry Level 2 Fire Fighter class. Now I can attack a burning building from the inside. I little scary!
Later that day I moved out of my apartment into a house. A whole house to myself. Renting it now, but the owners said they would do a rent to own thing when I am ready.
I also joined up with the...
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Later that day I moved out of my apartment into a house. A whole house to myself. Renting it now, but the owners said they would do a rent to own thing when I am ready.
I also joined up with the...
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aw thank you!
hey congrats on the firefighting accomplishment, I bet you'll be a badass! Even if it was scary, I bet you LOVED it!
hey congrats on the firefighting accomplishment, I bet you'll be a badass! Even if it was scary, I bet you LOVED it!
I hope you have a nice and wonderful day!
regards ... kisses: kiss: