Tuesday Sep 07, 2004 Sep 7, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email girl three, above, is an evil b*tch VIEW 12 of 12 COMMENTS fancier: i have many very cute friends. please do not violate them. Sep 9, 2004 fancier: why is quinne an evil bitch? and you want me to give you the ok to fuck my friends without a condom? let me think about it. Sep 9, 2004
Tuesday Sep 07, 2004 Sep 7, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email yeah look who is back in the saddle again! aliceinmyhead: sorry aol is the suck this morning.. catch ya after class Sep 7, 2004
Monday Sep 06, 2004 Sep 6, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email ha ha you salad non-eating sluts look who is back for round two.... VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS fancier: I don't want to be best friends anymore. Sep 6, 2004 papawheelie: you must be drawn to the gayness or something Sep 6, 2004
and you want me to give you the ok to fuck my friends without a condom? let me think about it.