that charcoal is totally badass....and yes, i'd love for you to send me "i google you," if you have a chance. thanks!
I have been in a downward spiral hte past three weeks .... all i do is functio right now .... Im trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps....I can tell b the absence of commens I know no one gives a shit wich I understand people dont like Winers... I tied a little therapy to day i tried drawing a bit I hope you...
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Your art just keeps getting better! And thanks. kiss
You're welcome, and thanks smile
(I wish this could be happier I am really sad right now.. I am lonly ......Tired and fat I Wish I WAS DEAD.....I tried of trying and smiling ..
Well Its official Im 33...

I always lok forward to my Birstday but I usually spend it alone wich is okay I guess.... Im a year older and Im never where I want to be ...Still alone no girl friend not even a date but I still like my job I still help people and I do what i can so i guess all good...
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Happy birthday!
Happy birthday smile
Oh well nohting much new... Still working out and still running 2 miles three tikmes a day...trying to stay chibber ....my B day is next week ... poele who i thought were my froends all are busy oh well... Im treating y self to a 32 inch tv ill live and I miight take my self to a german resturaunt I love... oh well Ill...
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Oooo having a b-day huh?? That's cool.. You can count on some b-day love from me.. What day?? I wouldn't want to miss it..
It's cool that you are able to stick with the exercise I just have yet to find the will power to stick with it.
Hope your weekend went well ♥

Happy bird day!! kiss
Omg, I cant believe u can actually run for that long! I bet u dont smoke, that must help immensely. I bet if you did that 3 times a week you would drop a thousand pounds in 2 months, lol.
re: who killed amanda palmer.

i just love amanda's voice. it's so soothing and powerful, full of emotion. i really like how orchestral the new disc is. my favorite song is "ampersand."
Aw, what's going on?
At least your art is rockin'! kiss
Im on vacation I just cant relax...I always reflect on wh t a monster I am on vacation and I will always will be a lone ..I try to read but that makes it worse im reading this and I fond out that a man burned beyond belief ..his penis burned off ..(depressing BUT GOOD so far)gets more Booty then me ... Theres a break...
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I've been OK, can't complain - and hey, my penis didn't burn off, I've got to be thankful for that!