women are fucking shit!!! i must have the worst luck in the fuckin world when it comes to gettin it on with one of these! i thought i was making headway with a girl and i get invited to her house under the impression that we were gonna like gonna have a good night together. then she invites a mate round and doesnt give me one goddam sign that shes interested!! fuckin waste of time.
i was perfectly happy in my little world of not getting any then this pops up and pisses me right off!!! RAR!
i proper cant be arsed with any of this shit right now and it had to happen just when i didnt need it. wank.
i was perfectly happy in my little world of not getting any then this pops up and pisses me right off!!! RAR!
i proper cant be arsed with any of this shit right now and it had to happen just when i didnt need it. wank.
i dont know much about music, whats you're band called?

aww sweetie *hugs* thanks for popping over last week, was good to catch up with you
Let me know if you want to do it again sometime soon