good morning people. just thought id update as im busy at me computer working on the new long time dead website. its going very well but i have to learn all this new xhtml jargen thats starting to do me head in! i hope everyone had a great new year and stuff. i got a bit pissed up at me local haunt and walked home which took over an hour!!! Starting to prepare LTD's 2005 uk and european tour now which will go up until september so im gonna be a bit busy doing that.
oh and if you're serious about the 'Vices' bit. It like what's you're out let e.g. smoking, drinking, playing Bass that sort of shit.

I'm sorry honry I haven't read that one. Tell you what is a good one though 'Good Omens', it makes sense if you've seen the Omen, even if you haven't it's still bloody funny. And yay on nearly finishing the website, tell be the adress when you've got it done and I'll check it out.