Flipping through the channels, and came across Despicable Me on the Spanish Channel. I didn't realize I was on the Spanish channel at first because it was a part of the movie with no talking, but then once Gru started talking, I was floored.
I understand the need to dub movies for those that speak other languages to be able to enjoy the movie, but don't they at least TRY to find a person that sounds like the original voice actor?
I say this because Gru couldn't have sounded more different unless they had hired a female to read Gru's part.
Start my class next Tuesday, soooooo looking forward to that.
I don't know if I mentioned this before, but my old TV died on me, and when I went shopping for a new TV, I ended up impulse buying a 73" TV.
*Swedish accent* EEEts so beeeg!
I understand the need to dub movies for those that speak other languages to be able to enjoy the movie, but don't they at least TRY to find a person that sounds like the original voice actor?
I say this because Gru couldn't have sounded more different unless they had hired a female to read Gru's part.
Start my class next Tuesday, soooooo looking forward to that.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but my old TV died on me, and when I went shopping for a new TV, I ended up impulse buying a 73" TV.

*Swedish accent* EEEts so beeeg!

good luck on your classes =)